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Like, Crush, Love? (3)

1 Name: Raka : 2016-10-24 15:24 ID:uZ990rM1 [Del]

First I want to set one thing straight : I'm not doing anything that anyone could blame me for. 6 months ago, I started dating a boy who I was crazy in love with - I have known him for nearly 1,5 year, and the whole scene was like from a fairytale. Now as this relationship became more and more serious, of course, we started to have common friends. Now there was one guy, around my age, who was a bit too pushy, but not in a bad way, just really unusual. And we turned out to be great friends, even thought our jokes sometimes are pretty dirty and I feel bad but laugh anyway. And last week, when I found out that our classes were going to the theatre together, I became super-excited. I also told my boyfriend about it of course, but he didn't like it at all - and I did not notice he was actually being jealous ( since we already had an issue with this guy before, when they said they would be going out, just 3 boys and somehow my boy's ex turned up... Somehow ). So during the pause of the play at the theatre we agreed with my boyfriend's bestie to go drink something since I had to wait nearly an hour for the bus to go home ( it was late night, at around 9:15 maybe ). And his friends also joined us. By friends I mean his whole class where there are only boys. A class full of boys. Plus me. At night. It was weird ( don't think about anything bad! ). So we headed of to a bar or pub or whatever they are called where I met two girls from my class. I joined them instead of the boys, and they already started mocking the one I am friends with to sit next to his ' girlfriend '. I kind of enjoyed this sort of thing but I also felt really-really weird I didn't really talk to them anymore.
When I finally got home, I texted my boyfriend's bestfriend that one of the girls said he was handsome and stuff like that - what was real, and that day I realised that this girl was right. But instead of asking me who she was, the boy just started bragging about how everyone told him what a girlfriend he has ( not in the kind of bragging where one gets over-excited but just simply telling me what the situation was ). It caught me off guard, and I also told my boyfriend about this, just in case I wouldn't feel like I'm keeping a secret. He was increadibly jealous.
Last weekend this boy asked if I wanted to see a basketball Match with him. One thing about me : I love basketball. One thing about him : He's playing basketball. Of course I didn't go but I smiled when he asked me ( even if it was just texting, it felt good that he thought about me when it came to basketball ).
I don't know what's happening anymore. I'm 200% sure I love my boyfriend and I would never-ever cheat on him, but I don't know, maybe I like this other guy? Is this even possible? I don't want to seem like a bad girl but you know one can't control their feelings. Or is it just a Strong friendship that I overreact? Also I didn't want to destroy his friendship with my boyfriend but I think I did it so maybe I should ignore him from now on?
I know this seems like nothing and I'm sorry with bothering anyone reading this but you know this relationship is the first serious one I've ever had and I don't want to give up on him just because of this stupid thing. What should I do?

2 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-10-24 17:06 ID:5VKQu/Bj [Del]

Not my area of expertise, but I think it might help you to know that there is this thing called "Squish", which is used to define a platonic crush. Some people describe it sometimes as the feeling of "Hey! That person is super nice and I would be extremely happy to know them/befriend them, without needing to date them". Perhaps it might apply to you?

Or, alternatively, you are having a legit crush on the guy (thanks hormones and power of randomness). It is completely possible given human evolution and etc. It doesn't necessarily make you a "bad girl".

No matter if it is a crush or a squish, I recommend you simply determine what kind of relationship you want with either of them (boyfriend and friend) and do whatever is necessary to follow through. Developing new feelings DOES NOT mean you must act on them. You feel like you are being unfaithful, then accept your guilt and work to redeem yourself in whatever way suits you.

Be honest with yourself and everyone else. Some crushes/squishes are short-lived and some are enduring. You cannot control them by deciding to ignore them. Have a conversation if necessary/ if possible/ if it will give you peace of mind.

Also, their relationship with one another is not always something you can control. Other than speaking to them honestly and encouraging them to discuss things between them rationally, how else can you reasonably involve yourself? I'd say, just do no actively jeopardize their friendship and see if they reconnect. Said friendship can always strengthen itself through adversity.

3 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-25 01:59 ID:iOW1iahw [Del]

First of all who do you like more your other friend with dirty jokes or your boyfriend tell them both honestly to avoid a big mess if someone disrespect your desicion unfriend them and cut ties with them and the one that respect your desicion just befriend them
The second problem just tell the boy that brag to hook up with her and the girl that thinks his cute to hook up with him so the girl can realize for herself that the boy is a bastard that only thinks of her as something to be brag