Dollars BBS | Personal
















I need help (7)

1 Name: Angelus : 2016-10-22 23:56 ID:F+MNjQcJ [Del]

I really don't usually do this. I guess I've been part of the Dollars for a while but its more of something I visit once a while and I don't do anything more than reply to a few threads. In fact, this is my first time creating one but I kind of needed to tell someone about whats going on. Honestly, I just wanted to vent and I've never done it in a chat room before but I couldn't go anywhere else.
I'm a college student who lives with just my mom and my sister. My dad was never there and he died a few years ago. My mom has been unemployed for years and for a while we were just scraping by. Then my grandmother caught cancer, and we did everything we could to take care of her and help her but eventually she just couldn't fight it anymore and passed on. My grandma was an important part of our family. I mean, she wasn't a perfect person by any means but she was some of the only family I had and I loved her. Her dying was one of the worst experiences of my life. It was an upsetting time but my family kept on going because we knew the last thing she would want would be for us to keep crying over her and we knew life had to go on. And until now we have been living off of the insurance money from my grandma and dad. We were never happy about this but it was the only way to keep going.
But now we have run out and things are worse than they have ever been. My sister keeps several jobs to try to keep us a float but doesn't really help ends meet. My mom is disabled because of a car accident. Its not like she can't move or anything but its bad enough that she can't work. She's trying her best too to make ends meet. We get social security and she is trying to write a book that is actually really good (and I'm not just saying that because I'm her daughter.) But things aren't looking good. I don't even think I can come back to school next semester and I don't even want to think about what happens after that. I try my best to help. I worked over the summer and have some jobs while I'm at school to help out but it still not enough.
I am just really worried about things and I don't have anyone to talk to about it. My family has enough to worry about and I can't talk about this kind of stuff with my friends. I feel really lonely.
Honestly, I'm not looking for pity and if you think its stupid of me just to complain I would probably agree. I just really needed to let this out somewhere and this was the only place I could think of.

2 Name: Akako : 2016-10-23 02:57 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

I feel like this story is tragic enough to make it a thing where you can make it a big on the internet and just ask people to give you money...

3 Name: Akako : 2016-10-23 03:02 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

I want to delete the first reply because of how horribly phrased it is but for some reason i can't... Whatever. Basically what I meant is that if you let enough people know about this and make a patreon, kickstarter or something along those lines, some people would probably actually give you money.

4 Name: Kyroskiller : 2016-10-23 20:54 ID:Mc1Debdk [Del]

Try and make it through school no matter what you need to give up to do it. Once you quit school the likelihood of you ever making time to go back is astronomically low. Make sure to get online as well and see what kind of things you can qualify for to help you get through if you can.

5 Name: DuckTheif : 2016-10-23 22:01 ID:j3psj9n1 [Del]

Hey if you dont mind email me id like to talk to you in private if thats okay i have allot of similar problems its HuffBrandon20122

6 Name: DuckTheif : 2016-10-23 22:11 ID:j3psj9n1 [Del]

Please dont think im being creepy or anything i just prefer talking 1 on 1 and besides that i can suggest some of the resources i used and you may be able to get help

7 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-25 02:48 ID:iOW1iahw [Del]

Its sure has been tough but hour very stronv you move on and help your family true a couple of jobs I say you did everything you could you can only hope thats enough. Pray to god