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Feel Unloved (16)

1 Name: Blade : 2016-10-15 18:53 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Hey guys. I literally feel like the only one in this world who gets no girls at all. No matter what I do, no girl ever gives me attention. And it pisses me off that the people who do have girlfriends brag about cheating on them as if they don't have feelings. I don't know. It's just been bothering me lately and making me feel worthless that I'm behind everyone else on this. I never had a girlfriend and just thinking about that makes me feel depressed and bitter. I hate comparing myself to others, but when I do, I feel like a loser. One day I won't be young anymore and I'll have to live with the fact that I wasted my younger days chasing something that is clearly unreachable to me. I don't know what to do. I tried advice from my friends, but nothing. I'm losing the drive for it and now I just want to give up and not care, but I do care and I do want to really feel like I'm part of my group of friends. What should I do?

2 Name: AnimeTaco : 2016-10-15 19:05 ID:141lyLcO [Del]

You need a hug! *Hugs* First of all, I think that there is always a person who feels like that. And you shouldn't care that you're a bit behind. There must be someone out there for you. Don't compare yourself to others, cause you are you. Don't forget that. And people who brag about cheating are jerks. In my eyes they aren't humane. Sorry if that was rude. Cheer up, you'll find a girl some day!

3 Name: Mons : 2016-10-15 19:46 ID:pi5plvzH [Del]

Blade, I feel you. You are not the only one. I ask myself that a lot and I have no answers or remedy for that train of thought. This world and people just suck. People are trash, Blade. They don't love. They don't care. Every person looks for their own selfish way of exploiting each other. If anything, people like us, have take this truth to heart and live with the repercussions of being the type of people that no one in this world loves.

4 Name: Clementine : 2016-10-15 23:45 ID:h6c2wD8a [Del]

If I learned anything from my years as an adolescent it's that knowing yourself and who you are before trying to give yourself away to another is extremely crucial to the relationship being a success. Besides, if you haven't had the chance to find yourself, how could you give yourself away? You may feel like you already know all you will learn, but trust me, you don't. I sure don't. Being single is a blessing because you are more able to focus on building yourself up and the world around you. One day you will find someone who you will be able to share your wonderful self with, so don't be discouraged!

5 Name: Mons : 2016-10-16 01:19 ID:pi5plvzH [Del]

>>4 There is no guarantee of "One day you will find someone." People seem to always end with that as it helps but trust for some people they live their life alone. There is no "someone to find". Blaze it is better to accept that the world is against you and to grow from that deep feeling of lonelyness than to believe the hopeful lies people tell you to make you feel better. In this life only you matter because no one will take the time away to "love" you. Put it this way , if people say someone else will love you is because they themselves don't. So fuck all of them Blaze.

6 Name: Akako : 2016-10-16 02:25 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

>>5, >>3 Oooh edgy.

>>1 So, you complain about people acting as if they didn't have feelings and... the very first sentence you wrote is about "getting" girls? Isn't that just finding reasons to be jealous? It is completely normal to feel bitter or left out if you are the only who doesn't have a girlfriend tho. And >>4 does have a point, there is no guarantee that you'll find someone. But, well, looking at the probabilities, your chances are decent. If it really bothers you that much you could try some dating apps or sites. Also, the point about regretting wasting time when you are older... Do you have anything important to do anyway? From the things you wrote I would guess you are a late high school or a college student, basically the only things you have to do are study and homework, right? I think you've got enough time to waste.

Just a note: Those guys ARE assholes. Were they also a part of the group of friends you want to stay a part of?

7 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-10-16 13:11 ID:zHBZ1AFU [Del]

This is usually not the type of post I would respond to, but given your attitude and the response, I kinda feel like I must:

1. If you are searching for a girlfriend so that you can "be part of the group" or to have your existence/identity validated, then you should, in my opinion, IMMEDIATELY ABANDON the idea. Those reasons might be personally important, but are otherwise unfair for any involved party (you are essentially using them for an ego boost) and completely unhealthy in the long run for your self-esteem.

2. Everyone above said it before me, but everyone develops in different ways at different paces. Also, given enough effort, willingness and opportunities, anything with small probability will eventually occur.

3. If it helps, think of the advantages of remaining single whilst your friends are constantly involved with innumerable people. Humans are social creatures, so the drama/hardships from socializing with one another is inevitable. Consider this solitary moment of yours as the perfect time to learn about yourself and observe the world. You might not ever get it again.

In any case, good luck.

8 Name: Person : 2016-10-16 17:55 ID:MdaGUx7P [Del]

Well your not alone. I never can get a girlfriend either. They all think I'm weird.

9 Name: Shiro : 2016-10-16 21:32 ID:ayRhBjuj [Del]

I'm not gonna say if you're wrong or not or tell you how to do anything. Just simply, I feel like I'm similar to you so I felt like replying. I also, have no boyfriend and I never have, while my sisters are always talking about their boyfriends and hanging out with them. To be honest it annoys me a bit. Although, I don't even have a "friends group" (which is probably also my fault) so I don't think I'm in any position to complain. I guess I want to tell you that you should take a good hard look at yourself and the way you behave, by yourself and around others, before you complain about not having a girlfriend. It may also have to do with the people you hang out with, they don't sound like the best people, although I don't really know anything. Oh, whoops. It looks like Im telling you heat to do afterall. Sorry about that, although I don't think I regret it. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck and I honestly believe that you will end up with the person you are supposed to when you are supposed to. That's all, sorry if this is kinda long and annoying.

10 Name: Mons : 2016-10-17 09:20 ID:xK/gM+d+ [Del]

>>6 It's not being edgy at all. Simply put I'm not going to bullshit Blaze.

11 Name: KiashaKota : 2016-10-17 10:21 ID:jHZaDkdc [Del]

I can't get girls either. But who needs girls when you have anime!

12 Name: Mons : 2016-10-17 15:11 ID:pi5plvzH [Del]

Plus got to find to do something more with our time that just finding a significant other. People suck so why do you want that much suck in your life? Its just pure masochism.

13 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-18 08:20 ID:LEsPemvb [Del]

you are loved by your mother, father, brother and sister (if you even have one) be content, and the special person will just arrive when time comes dont force it be patient, while waiting you should try to make yourself worthy of loving, ex. work hard in your studies to be able to get a good job to feed youre family. i say forget this non crucial problem and focus in more important matters in your life, its just a waste of time

14 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-18 09:37 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

You can never presume so much on how much affection a subject is being given by anyone, but not only that, but you should also consider exactly what Kind of love they want to experience.
Me, being ace, I could care less about such matters but am inclined to understanding and empathizing with those who encounter the very issue.
In this case, the subject feels ill-desirable. Lonely in terms of passionate affection, and that's what I believe they're looking for here.
Yes, yes- love is love, is love, and one should be content with how much they've attained through the journey of their life, assuming that's enough for them, but some people, they yearn much more than "okay". They want great! Wonderful! Magnificent- as in the case here, but you'll notice I didn't reply except just to correct you. That's because it's annoying to think people give up so easily over something as petty as love when they've got their whole lives to live ahead of them.
If you ask me, nobody should need to worry about that sort of thing. It's a juvenile yearning that should only be endeavoured to at your utmost in contentment itself.
Only when you are most definitely content can you have the mind to make these decisions, but again; life itself is a journey and you have to have the bad experiences to aide you in living up the best of them.

15 Name: builder396 : 2016-10-18 13:17 ID:BAW+tJCG [Del]

Honestly, if you think love is unreachable, try a day in my shows.
Im transgender, in the middle of being full time female while on the medical side Ive been waiting on and on without getting anything so far (in a month I have my appt for hormones), and Im into girls. Do you know what I would give to be loved for once? But no. Im falling outside of every sexual orientation except pan, and even those dont touch me with a long stick, if Im lucky Im falling into some guys fetish, but thats basically it with my possible dating pool.
Do you see me whining about it? No.
I try to make it work, and I have had a few times I at least sort of got something that was more than nothing. Kisses, bits of cuddling, never got serious, partly because in that regard Im like a dog chasing cars: Even if I caught one, I wouldnt know what to do with it. Or in other words: I wouldnt know what the heck to do with my genitalia, because those are just disgusting and using them in the classic way is out of the question.

Now fucking go out there and develop feelings for someone and pursue those feelings! If even I can get as far as I got, you have no excuses left.

16 Name: Blade : 2016-10-21 18:41 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Thank you guys. But honestly, I'm probably going to stop caring and work on myself like you guys said. I hate it when I text someone and they just forget about me and always end our conversations short. I hate it how whenever I talk to a girl they always seem disinterested. I put in so much effort. I got in shape, I looked at videos, and even took advice from friends. NOTHING. ZERO. Also, I can't stand it when an adult (I'm 21 but I don't feel like an adult at all) tells me that if they had my looks, which are nothing to write home about really, they would have a different girlfriend for every day and so on. I'm annoyed. I hate how everyone treats this as a game of some sort and always remind me of how I'm dead last. If don't find someone by the end of the year, I'll quit. It's not doing anything positive for me and is just making me more depressed than I already am.