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Celestial Psychology- Share Your Stories (14)

1 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-13 07:32 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

Hello Friends
For those of you who don't know what celestial psychology is it is the study of spirits and celestial beings, and how they affect our mind. Spirits, the weakest of these beings, will bring out negative emotions like Anger and Sadness. These emotions can effect our relation ships. Demons are much more violent and will if you become possessed they may cause you to injure yourself and others. Celestial beings are the strongest of the all. They will not affect a specific person but rather a large group of people, they can create mass hallucination and paranoia. If you believe you or someone you know has had an encounter with one of these beings share your story below. I am a celestial psychic. If you have any problems I can give you advice.
~Sincerely, Celeste

2 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-13 07:55 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

A good buddy of mine's got a kitsune following her around. She says it's very mischievous, but for the most part it's a means for her to feel less lonely, let's say. It could be a case of schizophrenia, but I doubt someone of your profession might even consider such a thing.
Another friend has had experiences with physical manifestations of the like. He says when he was younger, something or other would find its way to him and scare him. Shutting off the lights, moving around in the closet, but just before he found it disappeared it escalated to do such harm as dragging him off the bed and scarring him.
Finally, another girl I know claims to have summoned a demon, to her dismay. Shaking her bed, manifesting itself as voices in her head, but ultimately it never physically harmed her.
Your input on either of those would be.. interesting.

3 Name: TandumWarElefant : 2016-10-13 11:14 ID:qVljTuQd [Del]

Celeste, is there a way I can contact you privately. There's something, related specifically to your ability, that I would like to discuss with you.

4 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-13 16:00 ID:MdaGUx7P [Del]


5 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-13 16:06 ID:MdaGUx7P [Del]

Sorry to say but Kitsune are myths and are not real. As for the second story some spirits are mischievous and scare people for fun for can not move heavy objects, like people, so possibly the creature was a demon, but most demons will stay with there host until they die. Are you still in touch with this person? Do these things still happen to him? Lastly for the third story, do you know the name of the demon she was trying to summon?

6 Name: Sarky !JA7lPOiPVs : 2016-10-15 01:45 ID:mqTV4aWT [Del]

What would you say to a sceptical person who wants evidence of these occurrences and their validity?

7 Name: TandumWarElefant : 2016-10-15 03:38 ID:l/KQwRQq [Del]

To anyone reading this post;
This is a scam.

If you take a look at some of the other posts in personal, Celeste is charging money for his/her advice.

This is unfair and also not something a true dollar would do to his/her fellow members. (Regardless of whether of not there are rules.)

Please refrain from giving Celeste any of your information.
And please Sage any of your responses.

All that being said; Celeste is still a human being, so let a not be mean to him/her. Let's accept and forgive.

Thank you! /sage

8 Name: builder396 : 2016-10-15 08:37 ID:rmRnTYwF [Del]

Pretty much agreed. But on the other hands the Dollars dont have rules against this type of behavior either. God knows, maybe some people actually are willing to pay for these services...

9 Name: TandumWarElefant : 2016-10-15 13:18 ID:qVljTuQd [Del]

There is a universal law being broken here. and out of my own concern, I ask Celeste to refrain from charging for his/her advice, lest he/she lose that gift. A gift is a bounty of life, and to profit from that gift is mocking life.


10 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-16 10:22 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

Those are those posts. This is this one. I know Celeste's been a pain throughout the posts by charging and implying such forces, but they aren't doing that here, so anyone who might humour them is welcome to. Not once did I note Celeste's asking for money here and if they truly believe in what they're saying- well, hell. This is propaganda at it's finest! A promotion, even for their "service" but a promotion doesn't beckon money. Only that you heed the service which does. So there's no real harm in letting people with "experiences" let 'em all out here on this post. So long as Celeste doesn't just follow up with "pay me now". Self promotion is greatly frowned upon, sure, but some poor sap out there might pay up and if it doesn't work out for them, then Celeste will pay the consequences.

11 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-17 08:20 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

Sorry but I am not trying to self promote or make any money off this website I am just offering my services for people who need it.

12 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-17 09:45 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

I did stick up for you, but that's definitely a lie when you're asking people if they want some spiritual cleansing for $62. "31 before, 31 after".
-and just this alone is self promotion since you were charging people earlier. You're doing it for free now, so sure, I'll give you this post, but take responsibility for your other ones and just let go of it.

13 Name: Sarky !JA7lPOiPVs : 2016-10-17 12:37 ID:mqTV4aWT [Del]

may i have a reply please?

14 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-17 15:34 ID:MdaGUx7P [Del]

I am sorry but I do not know how to make you believe. If you would like to come to a ritual maybe you will believe but it is not guaranteed. You can contact me at