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I'm done (13)

1 Name: Marks : 2016-10-12 14:51 ID:e/kfWnD4 [Del]

I have seen some terrible things that i'm actually surprised haven't driven me insane. I've had enough of this past of mine and i plan to run away on the 16th. now i won't be alone and i know it sounds stupid for me to do this, but no one i talk to has the means to make this feeling go away. I'm only posting this to get it off my chest.

2 Name: RikkaChi : 2016-10-12 18:02 ID:FuqpBkZX [Del]

Life must be hard. But running away isn't going to get rid of your past. It's something you can't run away from. You just need to live with it. Everyone has thing that they are ashamed of or thing they don't want to admit actually happened.They're memories and, there's no getting rid of them...
I know you just wanted to get it off your chest but, I hope it helped you at least a little.

3 Name: Dafree : 2016-10-12 19:21 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

what've you seen?

4 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-13 06:31 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

Hello Friend
I am a celestial psychic. You may have these feelings because you could be possessed by a spirit. Spirits bring out the negative emotions in people like Anger and Sadness. I can help you, for two payments of 31$ one before our session and one after.
~Sincerely, Celeste

5 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-13 06:42 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

You must be making a killing! Seriously- I mean, why didn't I think to jump on a free support board and charge people to solve my psychological issues? You're so smart! Really!
I envy you, oh magical floating sphere person~

6 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-13 06:49 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

Hello Friend
I am sorry you do not agree with me but I am just trying to help. It is not easy nor cheap to cleanse people of spirits and demons. It also requires many resources. I am not a magical floating sphere person I am normal like everyone else, but I have studied celestial psychology.
~Sincerely, Celeste

7 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-13 06:57 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

Yeah, yeah~ No, of course! Have fun paying for a $5 cross and bible with your $62 service.
Oh- but of course, you gotta look the part too! Can't just have them spirits scared of your interweb words, right? They also have to screech in torture at how much swagger you boast.
I suggest the green scarf look. I've always liked that one.

8 Name: Celeste : 2016-10-13 07:02 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

Hello Friend
I am sorry that you don't believe, but could you please not write sarcastic comments on others threads if you would like to make a thread expressing how you feel make your own thread you are being extremely rude to people who have actual problems.
Sincerely, Celeste

9 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-13 07:06 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

Yeah~ No. You're right. I'm so sorry, everyone. I didn't mean to interrupt. Carry on with your spiritual journey- by all means!
(Just note that he didn't deny what kind of boots he was gonna wear to the party);}

10 Name: Marks : 2016-10-13 10:19 ID:e/kfWnD4 [Del]

>>2 although I appreciate the effort, it hasn't changed my mind.
>>3 To put I bluntly within the span of 5-6 years I've lived through the deaths of 7 of my closest friends. i won't get into how each happened cause it hurts. along with a psycho ex girlfriend that's stabbed me in the gut.

11 Name: Missingno. : 2016-10-13 10:44 ID:l/KQwRQq [Del]

How does running away honor the life they once lived?

12 Name: breathlessWind : 2016-10-13 17:21 ID:wTYV0yeb [Del]

WOAH THERE BUDDY. Immuna relate your situation to something you already know alright? Now since you're on this website Immuna assume you've at least WATCHED Durarara. You do understand that the point of the entire first season was that you can't do what you want to do right now right? You can't run from your past. No one can. However, I will say that attempted murder and a string of deaths of ALL your closest friends can mean something.

If I were to give you any advice, don't run from your past. Walk. Go away from wherever you are now and try to start a new life, whatever that might mean. Don't Just leave in the dead of night without telling anyone, that's Just bad manners. What about the people left that DO still care about you? Let them know where you've gone.

13 Name: Slash : 2016-10-13 17:39 ID:uWYU/RnU [Del]

I don't want to tell you to do anything, but just think about what you really want. 10 years from now, what choice will lead you to the most happiness? If you are positive you won't regret your choice, then go for it and be safe. But if there is even an inch of doubt that is preventing you from leaving, then maybe you shohld think about your choice a little more.

Either way, I wish you luck and stay safe :)