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Coming out to parents. (9)

1 Name: JesterJacob : 2016-10-11 07:06 ID:Z6b0PBvA [Del]

I am bisexual but I don't know if I should tell my father about it (While title says parents it is more of parent in this case). He is extremely homophobic and I don't know if I should tell him about me being bi. Should I? If so, How should I break it to him?

2 Name: Kashu !h9vyVnvYZo : 2016-10-11 08:04 ID:G6QoxNbA [Del]

I personally am a Christian but to be quite honest you should just tell him don't be scared of who you are I know it seems difficult but I wholeheartedly believe he will still love you.

3 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-10-11 10:28 ID:E1K0Xjdu [Del]

And there are also parents who leave their kids on the streets.

My advise: no need to tell until you plan to have a same sex lover.

4 Name: JesterJacob : 2016-10-11 10:37 ID:QFSArNto [Del]

I agree abit with that cause my dad is like "I hate all gays" type of guy and prevented me from hanging out with a friend since he was gay.

5 Name: builder396 : 2016-10-11 13:16 ID:vZRSB8IY [Del]

Im transgender and I had to come out to a lot of people, plus I know what happened to others who were less lucky about their parents, so I can sort of judge what path this might take, and in all honesty I recommend absolutely against coming out. I know enough people who got life made hell by their parents or lost contact eventually. I think the reaction to be expect is to be either thrown out or your dad will shut you in until you magically stop being bi.
My recommendation is to stay in the closet in regards to your dad. Keep it secret from him. Keeping it a secret from the world is another topic. There are safe spaces where you could maybe go, even if its just to get advice or info. And once youre old enough (how old are you now anyway) try to move out. THEN you can come out and if necessary cut ties, but he wont have any control over you then either way.

6 Name: Akina : 2016-10-11 14:20 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

Some people have to keep secrets you don't have to tell him yet or either don't tell him at all. If he's a father with a good bond to you I hope which ever path you choose it works out for you. Your father can either shut you out of him life or live in denial like my dad have and still would treat you no different. I guess it's just based if you know they care enough to not shoulder you or mistreat you b/c of their own personal self centerness.

7 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-10-11 21:57 ID:tAtfM9yM [Del]

Always consider your safety and needs first.
If there is a slightest chance that doing so would put yourself in danger or negatively influence your daily life (depending on how present he is in your life), then I recommend caution.

If you feel you must tell him, then make sure you have "back up" plans. For example, make sure someone else is informed about what you are going to do and will check up on you, if they can't be physically there to support you. You might need to give him space and avoid speaking about the subject for a while after; prepare yourself mentally for that possibility. ETC.

Good luck.

8 Name: JesterJacob : 2016-11-10 06:58 ID:SPavFP+t [Del]

Well, I haven't told him however I started getting made fun of at school. I typically have a bad relationship with him and since he is my only guardian, I have to keep quiet until I move out. I am 17 currently and trying to make sure my dad doesn't find out

9 Name: JesterJacob : 2016-11-10 07:00 ID:SPavFP+t [Del]

Also I know he would react negatively because of how homophobic he is.