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Moving Forward (4)

1 Name: Randall Freeman : 2016-10-10 07:59 ID:CHX76nLU [Del]

Hey guys, this is my first time using this site and im happy to share anything so here it goes.
I understand that these threads are personal, and ive been going through a rough time since i moved to college, but basically let me get things started.
I just got out of a really intense relationship with a girl who I was very happy with. However as soon as we both moved away from each other for college, the relationship unfortunately came to end. This didn't really effect me at first, but after a while is slowly destroyed me. Seeing her with other guys and hearing her talk about getting "fucked up" every weekend breaks me emotionally and mentally more than i can handle. Heartbreak has made me very ill and it takes away my focus from MY OWN college experience. Being happy has definitely been harder to come by these days, but i understand that time alone is what heals me the fastest. So even though im going through a tough time, i know eventually, I will move on. We all do. Only time will tell, and i have gone through even tougher days. Thank you for reading, and i hope that if you're having harder days than usual, just know that we all have strength to get through it, no matter what. Even when friends can't be there when even god knows we need them, we must never lose faith in ourselves. Take care everyone :D

2 Name: Akina : 2016-10-11 16:17 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

Well in someway you sound like through typing you got it all figured out but in the message you said it destroyed you even admit it takes away your focus. All you have to do even if you're not with her, idk if you 2 are friends but you can support her as a friend. Even if you're not dating now it can happen later y'know but keep that to the side b/c you can still fall for someone else too depending on your relationship how it later becomes. Don't think too closely on the world b/c seriously in college theirs many things you can do. I know b/c I went to college. I didn't do well b/c of my relationship and it was a bad one for me. Idk how to help you get cured honestly besides the fact yes dued time to move on but if you need mental professional help I do recommend as well if it gotten to the point for you. I recently decided to get help myself b/c the suffering of mental abuse that I couldn't really know. I found out b/c I had mental breakdowns multiple times and didn't know how serious it was like I mean collapse into the point my mind was building up so much I was crying through lack of focus I had. When I looked it up and talk to a couple family members they looked worry. I know I'm not in best shape too b/c I won't lie I have a chance of having cancer. That like scared me b/c it's a really bad and can get painful. I definitely do plan in going back into college even if I been out I've been studying for a long time on math mainly what I did bad really. The type I have is even more personal cancer but I haven't told really many ppl about that yet since I don't think it's right for someone to treat someone any differently. In the end I think people can be strong in studying if they just get a push and more hope from just chatting. You learn more about others and you're not alone. I'm getting help but so don't be afraid to get any either and don't lie to yourself that you moved onto. I'm not saying you just did but I believe myself I did but hurt myself anyways doing so. It can drive you crazy a bit. So I hope I helped you don't use drugs and alcohol to solve your issues to. It's okay to have fun but be careful with that also as an adult advice to another. Sadness can do anything to your brain and you have to remind yourself you don't want to do certain things too much at a point at least. Adios hope you enjoy being a dollar. I've been one for 4yrs.

3 Name: Kufuutarou : 2016-10-12 10:19 ID:ZRA2y/FD [Del]

I stopped reading the other guy's comment after "All you got to do", because I'm sure you would too, if it wasn't the only reply. There is never an "all you gotta do". See, I want to empathize with you, buddy. I too got out of a serious relationship just recently, but now I want to be perfectly thorough in doing so;
We dated for a mere relative year before we broke up whereas my longest relationship lasted 5 years. So, you see there; as long as we were involved with each other, it mattered little compared to how much I absorbed and experienced.
You could even say I was a little broken when it ended, as opposed to my longer relationships where I felt nothing at all. In regards to my recent one though, I take pride in saying this much; I wasn't angry. I wasn't upset- I just kept on loving her.
Now, a lot of people will tell you that if you don't let go it will wreck you to the utmost, but I assure you that true love is understanding that despite whether you two are together, you will always care for her and knowing that she will care for you in the same way. I'm okay with being single right now, because I still have someone to love. Maybe not romantically, but certainly by other means.
If you don't feel that connection with this person, then I'm sorry to say, it's not worth your heartache to carry on in the thought of her. If it hurts you more than it does a mending then it was just an experience you absolutely must learn from.
Sure, you'll still mourn after reading this, you'll still wonder who out there will be better suited for you, but there is someone out there. Now, how can you look for them if your eyes are still so full of tears, right?
I'm glad you have that mindset- you're right. Time will heal and no matter what, things will get better. Even if when your hurting at night, you doubt it. I hope you know they will get better.
Keep on keeping on, okay? I hope you feel better soon. More so: I hope you find the love your searching for.

4 Name: Randall Freeman : 2016-10-13 03:36 ID:CHX76nLU [Del]

Thank you both so much for your extremely kind input. I am doing better everyday, and over time it gets a lot easier. You both have got me thinking, and that it really helps a lot. I appreciate that you took the time to help me out and for that I thank you so much. Take care you guys, i know that I will too.