Dollars BBS | Personal
















Vent here! (29)

1 Name: Bitchy Rainbow : 2016-10-08 06:28 ID:PUKodYk0 [Del]

say whateer you like, just get it all out without judging.
Here i go-
;Im suicidal
;Im depressed
;i have no friends because everybody around me is a shallow prick i cant be bothered to deal wiht for more than 30 seconds without self-destructing
-your turn!

2 Name: TN Dollar : 2016-10-09 02:33 ID:X2acPbmg [Del]

For a long time i thought i was weird, i was different.

I thought loving anime made me a super werido.

But, i made some friends who like the same as i do, or get me into other stuff,

going to anime cons when i can really helps me meet new people.

While I've never been depressed i have had sad thoughts but i remind myself that no matter what there is always hope, that everytime something super shitty happens something awesome will happen too.

As a human i doubt myself every now and then but i and firm in what i believe in, and how no reason to fear the unknown anymore.

3 Name: suoly : 2016-10-09 05:53 ID:pMv5zlmy [Del]

I messed up a ton of things in my life and made this gigantic effort for a long time to consciously fix he things that were wring with me and i felt like i did become the kind of person that i didn't have to hate anymore and once i started feeling that way a bunch of really amazing miracles fell into my life and i had an awesome partner but then i went and did the same stupid thing i always used to do and ruined everything without even noticing it. Now i don't really know what's wrong with me, but i know that i can't stand the person i become when i'm really upset and i wish i felt like i had more self control in that state. I no longer know what to change but i KNOW that i need to change and that scares me pretty deeply, especially since my now ex girlfriend was the one person who saw that side of me and still said the night before i left her that i was really a good person at my core, and when she said it i believed her more than i possibly could if anyone else said so and now i can only think of how she hates me now a year and a half later and what that says about me as a person...

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-10-09 23:37 ID:nPIbBXNG [Del]

I keep on having this irrational fear of having some creepy stalker appear at the foot of my bed at night and stab me to death and I don't know why! Its super frustrating and is making me lose sleep. Y u do did brain?

6 Name: Lionheart : 2016-10-10 00:25 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

I feel so left out. Most of my friends are out getting laid while I can't even find one girl that likes me. Meh. Whatever.

7 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-10-10 00:43 ID:nPIbBXNG [Del]

>>6 dude saaame. it can get awkward on the bus for me because I'm practically flanked on all sides my friends who are either sitting with their mate, or are in a relationship

8 Name: hunted8708 !jnhjkuVRy6 : 2016-10-10 00:57 ID:w3Vm0sgj [Del]

I'm Hydrophobic (fear of drowning) and Hodophobic (fear of traveling(Taxis and buses)) and refuse to go anywhere near any of them !_!

9 Name: Info broker_16 : 2016-10-10 10:52 ID:KrfiL7/i [Del]

I'm socially anxious and I feel so retarded when I stutter also I can't go inside a store more than once in a day or even at all ...i also cant get into a crowded place for more than an hour or else I feel like my life is coming to an end and that's pretty fucked. When people say hi to me or tell me they like me I assume they're pityful of me

10 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-17 21:05 ID:97BK06Yx [Del]

Mom, dad.
You don't deserve those titles. Get out of my life you selfish, immature, horrible, abusive people. You make me sick.
Thank you.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-18 14:17 ID:8Q1dEKt7 [Del]

I'm so stressed about everything but at the same time nothing. These responsibilities are killing me and I hate being so tired all the time because I have a slight fear of sleeping. I hate being so incapable. I know I can do so much better but the lack of sleep and depression holds me back. I wish I didn't become the person I am now but most of all I miss the old me.

12 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-10-18 19:29 ID:nPIbBXNG [Del]

Had to run a mile
PSAT's are tomorrow
Shoulder aches like a bitch and
My mom is once again confirming that I ma a failure at life because my grades suck ass
Wow, life is great!

13 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-10-18 19:34 ID:nPIbBXNG [Del]

>>10 Oh hey same, lol

14 Name: non : 2016-10-19 01:05 ID:t2GR+kiZ [Del]

I fucked my life up. That's it. Just fucked it all up to a point where I can't fix it. I haven't thought about suicide in quite some time but even so, there isn't really anything I can do at this point. It's truly and utterly useless to try to achieve my dreams within an appropriate time.

So very frustrating.

15 Name: Arggester !FfjkCsxeUo : 2016-10-20 15:25 ID:JXo6Q7os [Del]

Im stuck in a group at school for a project and one of them is an asshole

16 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-10-23 10:20 ID:nPIbBXNG [Del]


17 Name: RikkaChi : 2016-10-23 10:49 ID:FuqpBkZX [Del]

I fucking hate everyone, family included. Why are people such ignorant little fucks??

18 Name: Kanra : 2016-10-24 16:26 ID:6Z2gGQW3 [Del]

I cant deal with school anymore, it's draining all of my power away, i have no time to spend and concentrate on doing things i love...

19 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-25 02:17 ID:iOW1iahw [Del]

Humans are shit but I choose not to hate them but to accept what they are and move on

20 Name: Dark Razor : 2016-10-25 07:35 ID:IWnsTfyu [Del]

I still feel depressed after all this years, i miss hurting myself.

I joke around to hide how sad I feel but I'm put down for my jokes constantly by my so called friends and peers.

When I try to talk about how I'm feeling my so called friend turns it around and talks about how her life is fucking worse than mine and that my excuses aren't fucking excuses.

So many people have a crush on me that I feel like I have to force myself to date someone so I won't put people down.

My aunt passed away not to long ago from cancer and my other aunt and now my uncle have cancer and I feel like I'm gonna lose them all. My so called friend doesn't care about my aunt and uncle and she says I can't use that as some sort of excuse.

All my past mistakes are catching up on me and I just can't take it anymore.

21 Name: Dark Razor : 2016-10-25 07:36 ID:IWnsTfyu [Del]

I still feel depressed after all this years, i miss hurting myself.

I joke around to hide how sad I feel but I'm put down for my jokes constantly by my so called friends and peers.

When I try to talk about how I'm feeling my so called friend turns it around and talks about how her life is fucking worse than mine and that my excuses aren't fucking excuses.

So many people have a crush on me that I feel like I have to force myself to date someone so I won't put people down.

My aunt passed away not to long ago from cancer and my other aunt and now my uncle have cancer and I feel like I'm gonna lose them all. My so called friend doesn't care about my aunt and uncle and she says I can't use that as some sort of excuse.

All my past mistakes are catching up on me and I just can't take it anymore.

22 Name: Dirtdog : 2016-10-26 00:44 ID:JBh+7Xre [Del]

Will this is my first time be part of a dollars and idc tell u how it is first of all if ur so called friend put u down all the time and make it worst for u and don't care about u at all man it's time to let him go because friends don't do that and lien every body is going make mistakes no one is not perfect off who theay are will I be live in God and he is perfect but like I said let the person go and make new friends who do care about u if the at don't go to the next one and son on I bean throw there so meant times it's unreal till I got to the point that idc what people thinks of me and man u don't need cut ur self man just laugh and move on make new ones if u fell like mesg. Me mesg any time

23 Name: MusicIsKey21 : 2016-10-30 18:48 ID:pJAdeSTV [Del]

I'm a girl and I'm in love with one of my friends. She is awesome and she says she loves me back but she has a boyfriend. She has been with her boyfriend for 3 years. Yesterday night when I was having a sleepover with her after a Halloween party, she asked me if she was cheating. I didn't know what to say. I know this must be tearing her apart but she won't tell me. I'm worried about her. Our other friends say that I'm stealing her away from them but they don't understand what is going on between me and her. I don't want to be the 'other person' but I think I am. I always feel guilty whenever I think of her breaking up with him for me. I don't know what to do and I'm just going to hope for the best, after all, you stay with someone till the end if you truly love them. Right?

24 Name: Ephemeral : 2016-10-30 19:16 ID:smfO01Qd [Del]

I hate myself for not being able to tolerate anyone. I get tired of people so easily and become an asshole I don't understand what's wrong with me. I'm so sorry everyone I hurt you have every right to hate me I am a monster and I should've never entered your life. I want to stop hurting people but I don't want to be alone. Come back to me Lullaby...

25 Name: LxveMix : 2016-10-30 19:20 ID:yJ/VbbHR [Del]

I'm a actually does not bother me. I also do not like school. I think you learn way more out of school than in school although school is useful sometimes.I would like to watch over people living their lives than actually spend time enjoying life by myself. I try my best to hide my insaneness.. one day I think i'm going to finally crack though. Anyways that's mostly about me.

26 Name: Lionheart : 2016-10-31 01:15 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

22 year old virgin. Somewhat jealous of my friends for having girlfriends/multiple girls, depression that comes and goes and only goes away when I'm at the gym or playing video games. I needlessly compare myself to others and always feel inferior, especially when it comes to the topic of girls (a guy could be homeless, but if he had sex even once, I feel beneath him). Suicidal thoughts multiple times a week and sometimes multiple times a day. I've been told I'm a bit rough around the edges. Attempted suicide in the past. Constantly look back on my teenage years and know I wasted them save for making a few friends. Sometimes can't even watch anime or play video games as nearly every protagonist has, at the very least, a love interest who likes them back, something, at least to my knowledge, I never had. Constantly reminded of my single/loveless life. Working extremely hard to achieve in my sport, but I always feel my efforts are fruitless. I always wonder how the hell my friends like me anyway.
I'm a mess.

27 Name: YuuNinth : 2016-11-01 04:53 ID:9Se77gq+ [Del]

16 years old now. Waiting for my graduation time two years again and become a litlle mature. Dont have something to do and now i think i hate my own self for be a bad girl. Not that bad girl course. Felling depair on my own feeling right now, but in a strange mean, i fell lucky. Well, thats all for now and sorry for bad grammar. :)

28 Name: Venira : 2016-11-01 12:06 ID:P5l07lEG [Del]

-I'm ruined
-I can't trust anyone anymore
-I have anger issues
-I am dumb
-I have no friends

29 Name: Dafree : 2016-11-01 15:40 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

Keeping Moving Forward.
Vash the Stampede