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Weight Loss (11)

1 Name: Moonyoung : 2016-10-07 13:01 ID:rFAL4tJI [Del]

HI! So I'm about 5'9 and 218 ibs. I not insecure anymore about my height or weight but I would like to loose about 50 ibs., because I just get winded easily. And I'll like chase after my friends because we're playing buy the second I stop my heart is POUNDING. I am going to start Karate this summer and before I start the classes I would like to get into better shape. I know to exercise more and eat healthier I just don't know where to start.I am a High School student with a part time job but I will find a way to make time for this.

So if you have some advice or your own experiences let me know. Thanks! =)

2 Name: Lucre : 2016-10-07 14:07 ID:ZVl4gHMb [Del]

Try to do some push-ups every day, and try to walk or run every day. Taking a break between homework also helps you think and get blood flowing. I suggest looking up a few five or ten minute workouts. Playing soccer is also a good idea.

3 Name: deathraven33 : 2016-10-07 18:09 ID:eiCHrW5U [Del]

Hey there, its nice to know that you want to lose weight for karate but doing the exercises their will do the trick, if you want to build your endurance start running in the morning. Also make sure that you take care of your body because you will most likely want to quite at first due to all the intense strain your body will go through. Don't give in, fight through it!

4 Name: Moonyoung : 2016-10-08 00:34 ID:obu2Jap2 [Del]

Thanks for the advice! And I have no upper body strength really so doing those push-ups are gonna be a challenge haha 😂

5 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-10-08 11:28 ID:tAtfM9yM [Del]

You want a better overall fitness, right? In that case, doing push-ups alone might not be enough and might even discourage you if your upper body strength is abysmal. If you are concerned over your endurance when running, then you should be working on your cardio, not muscular training.

I recommend trying full body workouts or/and light jogging with increasing levels of difficulty. Applications/programs such as the 30 days challenge (easy difficulty, available online and on smartphones) and the 7 minute workouts are good ways, in my opinion, to start getting the habit of doing exercise. They are also free and most of the exercises can be done at home.

Protip: If you want to design your own routine, you can start with as simply as 10 sit ups, 3 push-ups, 10 lunges and 10 jumping jacks a day. Don't forget to warm up, stretch and take rest days too. Good luck!

6 Name: Lionheart : 2016-10-08 14:43 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Three words:
Mixed Martial Arts.
Most fun I've ever had with a workout. AND you learn how to defend yourself. A 2 for 1 deal if you ask me. One friend of mine trained for a few months and dropped over 60 pounds. He literally looks like a new person. I would definitely try it. Yes, you will get winded at first, but cardio builds up faster than most people think. Plus, it's fun. Another plus!

7 Name: Moonyoung : 2016-10-08 16:11 ID:/fqNN+Ke [Del]

>>6 I didn't know that mixed martial arts would make that much of a difference. How often does your friend do it?

Again thanks so much everyone for the advice!

8 Name: Lionheart : 2016-10-09 00:27 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>7 4-5 times a week for about an hour or two. Think about it. Most workouts only have you using a part of your body to complete them. Mixed martial arts has you using your entire body which, in my opinion, makes for a much quicker weight loss routine than most other workouts. I've seen the results with my own eyes. Of course, things like metabolism, age, etc., factor into progress. But judging by the fact that you are part of the Dollars, I assume you are young. I'm guessing late teens to mid-twenties is your age. This is the perfect age as your metabolism is still fast. Even guys in their mid to late thirties have dropped pounds like bad habits. Like I said, your progress is dependent on you. If you drop the unhealthy food, stay committed and work hard at this, you will see results. And, like I mentioned before, it's fun!

9 Name: Kokoro : 2016-10-10 23:28 ID:dalZn9TC [Del]

As you know the most common thing people always say is eating healthy and exercise which is true however there other factor also affect weight loss. Getting the correct amount of sleep can help weight loss and drink plenty of water!!!
Good Luck!

10 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-10-11 05:57 ID:E2UOcZqH [Del]

The best way to discipline yourself is to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. If you drive for example and you park somewhere, park furthest away from your destination (of course safely however).

Take long routes to wherever you're going by foot.
Occasionally change the pace of your walking, walk backwards, jog, etc.

You've got some groceries? You can use that to start lifting while walking.

Oh, this one is a somewhat tricky one, but try and tense up your stomach while you're walking for as long as you can.

If you're outside when you're about to eat, get into the habit of going into a squatting position. Not with aim to perfect balance, but perfect by making your other muscles work.

There can be other things to think of, but these are some of the things I like to do. Not necessarily as a way to lose weight, but to get me into the right mindset when I'm going to workout later on or do my martial arts.

11 Name: Akina : 2016-10-11 14:56 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

Idk if this is often effective when you're younger. Just be careful working out and losing weigh. A yr back around this month my bf almost killed himself over working while losing weight. Like I mean literally went to the hospital. He's 23 but since I warned him he didn't get killed and thank me til this day for it. So I wanted to warn you in case you under eat working out and not get enough resting time. Healthy is good but not if it kills you.