Dollars BBS | Personal
















Tired and Annoyed (16)

1 Name: Colourful : 2016-09-30 15:50 ID:Un1vVIjg [Del]

There's this girl at my school with who I became friends with because we were both fans of a show Called RWBY. We would always talk about it together and stuff. It was fun spending time with her but..She kinda just follows me around? She doesn't leave me alone at any second. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate her. I'm just not the kind of person who likes to stay with someone every second. I sometimes wanna spend time by myself like, reading a book, drawing and stuff...

She's always following me and it really bothers me. Sometimes I'm just reading something or doing something alone and she just stays next to me without saying anything or doing anything. Every time, every time, she's always there. Even when I'm going to the freaking bathroom, she waits for me. I wanna tell her to stop following me around but I feel like she might get sad or take it personally.
She's just always there and she gets on my nerves...I hate being followed around. It went to the point where I have to hide in the school's bathroom and stay in a cabinet so I can read. I thought to my self "she'll probably look for me for 2 minutes and then just give up and haung out with some other friends" but no, she went everywhere in the school to search for me. She asked some friends to help her search and she came many times in the bathroom. I got really annoyed so I just stopped reading my book and left to see her. She got annoyed because she couldn't find me. She literally follows me EVERYWHERE. And she doesn't even do anything when she's hanging out with me! There's aslo a thing that she does which annoys me. When she sees me in the morning and tells me hello she either jumps on my back, or gives me a hug while jumping on me, grab my hand, grab my arm..She touches me, that's what bothers me. I hate when people touch me, it makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes I just laugh and slowly try to make her realize that "hey..I don't like that..please stop" but She doesn't get it. When she grabs my arm, I slowly try to remove her hand or just pretend I need to do something with my arm so she can let it go but she still grabs it no matter what.

Sorry if this was too long. I want to tell her that I don't like it when people do these things with me and that I sometimes wanna have some time alone but I know she's not gonna be happy when I'll say that. I want to know a way of making her understand. Thanks for reading.

2 Name: Nami : 2016-09-30 16:44 ID:fTZ68/22 [Del]

i feel like she may like you. But she is just doing too much, you have to sit down with her and talk to her about it. Tell her you need personal space

3 Name: jolt : 2016-09-30 23:53 ID:a11tJljT [Del]

she has a huge crush on you talk to her about it she probably is too nervous to say something. to be honest i am so jealous I wish some one would latch on to me like that. seriously talk to her but figure out how you feel first talk about a compromise what you have is precious even if you don't see it yet. if she wants to be with you it so awesome!

4 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-01 01:43 ID:wHySp59o [Del]

She's obsessed with you, just tell her that you need a little privacy and it's not normal for 2 people to be together all the time. If she feels a little sad just tell her that you will hang with her another time. And honestly I think she's trying too hard in the flirting I think. Just respect her feelings for you and if the time comes that she ask what you feel about her give her an honest response

5 Name: Akako : 2016-10-01 02:29 ID:jBeB8X+C [Del]

Why cant you just draw or read when she is there?

6 Name: Akako : 2016-10-01 02:32 ID:jBeB8X+C [Del]

Also, it kinda sounds like she doesnt have any other friends?

7 Name: Akako : 2016-10-01 02:38 ID:jBeB8X+C [Del]

You should definitely tell her in simple terms that you dont like what she is doing,she might just be dense.

8 Name: Akako : 2016-10-01 02:42 ID:jBeB8X+C [Del]

Also, whats your gender? If she went to the opposite bathroom it is pretty different than if she went to the girl's...

9 Name: Colourful : 2016-10-02 12:21 ID:IyDFXsqi [Del]

I'm sorry, everyone got the wrong idea. I'm a girl and I'm certain she's straight so she's not in love with me or anything.

>>3 I understand what you mean but I don't feel comfortable around people. I can talk with someone and hang out with them sometimes but I prefer to stay by my self.

>>5 I prefer to do stuff like that alone. I can't focus on what I'm doing when someone's just looking at me or at what I'm doing.
>>6 She's pretty close with another girl and she sometimes hangs out with other people.

I'll talk with her and I'll tell her that I want some privacy and stuff.
Thank you for all of you who replied and helped me in any way possible.

10 Name: Kazutora : 2016-10-02 14:16 ID:VJ2jzZlq [Del]

If shes this clingy too you shes probably extremely lonely. Tell her that you need your space but try to keep her in mind a little too.

Assuming you found this site, and currently like RWBY, then you're most likely an anime fan. Alot of anime fans are rejected by society for no clear reason leaving them alone. Calling them weebs n shit.

So yea.

Idk if that helps.

11 Name: Boopwtang : 2016-10-02 17:53 ID:e0/8kRdI [Del]

Hey I felt re exact same way before,what I did was I led her to my group of friends who seemed to be a good match and after some time he was More social and talk to them a lot.

12 Name: Akako : 2016-10-03 13:13 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

>>10 also says good stuff, it is pretty likely she is just lacks close friends. Maybe try introducing her to some ppl?
Oh, and I am pretty curious about how this ends up, it would be nice if you posted about it afterwards!

13 Name: Colourful : 2016-10-03 21:01 ID:Un1vVIjg [Del]

I saw her at school today. She asked me if I wanted to go outside and walk for a while, but I declined because it was too cold and I was sick and I told her that I will read a book instead. She said okay and left to hang out with her friends.

Of course I'll still hang out with her and I'll be here if she needs anything.

14 Name: Akako : 2016-10-04 05:52 ID:EnKdM+iO [Del]

Yay a good ending once in a million years!

15 Name: jolt : 2016-10-04 12:44 ID:a11tJljT [Del]

sorry that I misunderstood. as some of the others said she is probly just lonly let her know you need space but don't crush her while doing it. I mean let her know that intend to be friends with hewr but you need some space every once in a while. i understand her clingyness because i sympisise with her i had a friend that i seemed to be clingy in the same way and she didn't tell me that she needed space and she told me that she wanted me to go away. i cried for a long time after that. i guess i don't fit the thing were guys should be strong willed and stuff.but ya be careful and good luck.

16 Name: Colourful : 2016-10-06 20:16 ID:IyDFXsqi [Del]

>>15 Do not appologize for that. It's alright. I also understand what you are saying. I wasn't and won't be rude with her in any way, don't worry. Thank you