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I got sick from smoking twice? (5)

1 Name: Kill me now : 2016-09-30 08:46 ID:zxkrz9bp [Del]

Ok yeah, first lets st this out if the way, I do smoke weed. Hate hate, we done? Ok let's get into the post.

So yesterday, I was invited over to my friends house because he said he'd smoke me out two bowls. I took up the offer and headed over there. However, I took one huge hit off the first bowl and that was it for me. I knew what was going to happen because it had happened to me only once before when I ate a super strong edible that my sister's boyfriend had given me and my friend. Since I was too embarrassed to speak about how I felt, I took out and typed these in my notes:

"Hello this is inside me"
"I feel sick"
"I think I need to go to the bathroom"

The final entry in the notes was "WHAT A PAIN IN THE ASS"

He got a trash can and I unfortunately did vomit. Kill me.

The two times this has happened I get extremely dizzy, causing me to puke, so staying still or laying down usually makes it stop if I don't move much. I also have extremely slow reaction time, and my thought process seems to be going in slow motion as well. I know that because I was trying to think through what had happened whilst I was laying down and it was extremely difficult.

Anyways, I'm here because I want to know if anyone knows why this happened/happens to me. It's only happened when I've been with this friend. Maybe he's a bad luck charm.
In any case I will be avoiding him and his house for a while.

2 Name: Boopwrang !PM7yJG3LAw : 2016-09-30 11:30 ID:Gv33v2oV [Del]

Maybe you smoked too much, its like smoking a whole cigar in one sitting, you feel all nauseous

3 Name: Unknown : 2016-10-01 01:48 ID:5+TIqa9j [Del]

So a simple conclusion don't smoke and if they invite you again to smoke tell them that you can't smoke because of that and this

4 Name: Kazutora : 2016-10-02 14:18 ID:VJ2jzZlq [Del]

You're probably having an allergic reaction because your body is thinking its harmful.

You could try taking an antihistamine before hand but if that doesn't work you might just have to smoke less at once.

5 Name: MissingNo. : 2016-10-02 18:38 ID:qVljTuQd [Del]

that doesn't sound like marijuana. That sounds like Spice/Herbal Incense.