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1 Name: WaifuISLaifu : 2016-09-29 07:49 ID:HnqjGOUi [Del]

There are only two Genders...

2 Name: Pam : 2016-09-29 09:32 ID:xtCvv19P [Del]

The doge gender and the cat gender

3 Name: Valdr : 2016-09-29 10:38 ID:LOAyzsYH [Del]

Pam deserves applause for dealing with trolls the correct way.


4 Name: Minato : 2016-09-29 11:41 ID:wwrRNf6W [Del]

I agree with pam

5 Name: thatguy : 2016-09-29 12:46 ID:OFBlM5mV [Del]

I am confused on how a fact is trolling.
please explain :O

6 Name: Valdr : 2016-09-29 14:15 ID:nznmR+av [Del]

gerund or present participle: trolling
1. informal
Make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

Please don't reply to this thread anymore.


7 Name: thatguy : 2016-09-29 14:20 ID:OFBlM5mV [Del]

again i don't see how a fact is harmful unless you take it that way.

just a fact of life, unless his intent was to upset the tumblr people the believe in fictional genders.

8 Name: Nagai Hidari : 2016-09-29 17:10 ID:h5uLm1If [Del]

I agree with thatguy, a fact is not trolling. Whether one perceives something as offensive or not, does not matter. It is fact.

9 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-09-29 17:34 ID:6HvthrS5 [Del]

All right. I was going to skip this thread, but given >>8, I feel the need to correct something here.

It is NOT a fact that there exist 2 genders:

1- Biologically, for humans, there are more than 2 genders. Google "intersex" if you don't believe me.

2- Socially, for humans, there are also more than 2 genders. See the "third gender" in India, or the "two-spirit" with respect to Native American culture.

Therefore, since you did not share a fact, you have shared a lie. Lies that are shared have a great potential to harm others. If that does not irritate others, then your ignorance on the subject can definitely cause someone offense (we live in the 21st century and you have access to Internet).

If you are a troll, then good job.
Otherwise, >>2 , nicely put!


10 Name: thatguy : 2016-09-30 02:23 ID:X2acPbmg [Del]

Ok, while intersex people exist they make up like less than 2%, it is an abnormality, so that is a rather weak argument. In a normal envierment a VASY MAJORITY of humans born are male or female.

Just because DNA fucks up one in a 1,000,000,000 base pairs doesn't mean we make a whole new nuclioide. It is a rarity, now if it happened like 30% of the time then maybe but it's less than 1%. Also intersex refers to a sexual part rather than a gender. Gender is how we feel on the inside.

The reason we have Transgenders is because they FEEL like they are the other gender and wish to change. (i have nothing against them, just don't understand them.)

and no, it is still a BIOLOGICAL fact, and again, the only other 'genders' are made up ones from tumbler. I have yet to see ANY ACTUAL CREDIBLE social since that would give credit to any other genders.

I lay this to rest, with this last post.

There are only Two genders for humans, Males and Females.

I can't say there are only two genders , because i can't speak animal, but unless you talk about microbes that are gender less, most animals are male and female as well.

I wont stop you from claiming their are more, nor say that you CAN'T call your self something else. but then again i can't stop people from being wrong.
(i can be wrong too, mind you, but not on this my friend.)

11 Name: Siho : 2016-09-30 03:36 ID:UXO6AjUb [Del]

>>9 yeah there is intersex and hermaphrodites but you are still born with a penis or a vagina or both that is not a new gender it is both, there are no other sexual organs so there are no other genders, but with societies new "norm" people believe in shit because another piece of shit posts it on social media, then people make a big deal about literally nothing, and the intersex and hermaphrodites are at such a small percentage in humanity that it barely qualifies. My point is that you are born with either a penis, vagina, or both, maybe even none, but it doesn't qualify as a "new" gender just because a teenager with daddy issues thinks she's a boy in a girls body who secretly wants to be a girl ect...

12 Name: februaree : 2016-10-01 12:23 ID:nmiCrSTq [Del]

>>11 Gender dysphoria is proven to be associated with serious problems like depression and suicide. (To be clear, depression doesn't cause gender dysphoria. If there's any causation at all, it'd be the other way around.) It's not "literally nothing" when it has actual dangers associated with it. I'm not trying to antagonize you or anyone but I think that the whole gender thing shouldn't be so easily discredited.