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Help!! (8)

1 Name: Daichi4810 : 2016-09-27 17:15 ID:4Mjxic54 [Del]

I have a cousin who goes to a different school and she had a crush on this one kid anyway she stopped liking him because, he's been bullying her so here are some things she's told me, she said he tells her that she's a "pornstar" and that she's a "bitch" "slut" "whore" he pulls her hair and he treats her like a slave telling her to give him paper and other more things I'd rather not talk about. Anyway I want to beat the fuck out of this kid or scare him to death I don't know but she's family and I feel deep down I need to do something about it but, unfortunately I've never seen this kid in person and I was hoping if any of you could give me advice on what to do. (How I can stop him)

2 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-27 17:47 ID:pTg1sWWV [Del]

The best way would be to teach your cousin to defend herself I think. Either that or get the police in on it. If she is unwilling to comply, for whatever sense of loyalty to him, and won't fight back or get authorities involved, I think stopping him should still be a priority. Something subtle to lure him out would be best, but once you know who it is don't hurt him, call the police. I don't think your cousin wants you to have charges pressed against you trying to help her.

3 Name: Daichi4810 : 2016-09-27 18:01 ID:4Mjxic54 [Del]

I have told her about defending herself I gave her a couple of ideas but she just doesn't listen to me and as a bullying survivor I understand but I just don't want to see her get hurt like this.

4 Name: Yukito : 2016-09-27 18:20 ID:xn5IYyjJ [Del]

Contact an adult in the school of your cousin. Ask secrecy about You having denounced the boy bullying her.
In extreme cases, peacefully talk to the boy who is bullying her.
I talked to the boy who was bullying my friend, and he stopped. I hope it works with you.

5 Name: Yukito : 2016-09-27 18:23 ID:xn5IYyjJ [Del]

Hit or threaten a bully is never good. I've got myself into trouble because of it, and believe me, I do not want you to have the same problems. So just try to solve this peacefully.

6 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-27 19:08 ID:pTg1sWWV [Del]

>>3 Ask her to invite this person to a "party" you host, with just a few close friends or family to identify him, and once you know who it is you can contact the authorities.

7 Name: Daichi4810 : 2016-09-27 19:08 ID:4Mjxic54 [Del]

I guess I could try :/ and see if it works thank you very much I appreciate it

8 Name: Unknown : 2016-09-28 06:52 ID:ye9ibs+7 [Del]

Threaten him it's the only way to cut all bonds with him. He would stop bullying her if he avoids you or go to the cops and report sexual harassment but who now what kind of guy he is, he might be someone aggressive that goes and hurt your family or maybe blackmail each one of you. The first option might be good but you might get arrested for this. The safest option is to tell your cousin to avoid him and if it comes to that he start hurting her because she avoided him option 2 will be applied