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Stop the stupid. (11)

1 Name: Young Dollar : 2016-09-25 20:43 ID:X2acPbmg [Del]

I am getting so tired of SJWs and black lives matter. I don't understand how any smart person could call themselves a member of either of these groups.

All i see from these groups is a spread of hate and misinformation. So i ask my fellow Dollars to make sure to say away from these groups of Hate.

2 Name: ThornAtYourSide : 2016-09-25 21:19 ID:SVusqCaN [Del]

Are you an idiot? You freely expressed tour hatred just nose in regards to groups that spread hatred, and you claim to wish more people will follow you. So are you trying to run an anti-anti movement or are you just trying to spread the word in thinking that your own ways of morality is the best?
In which case, you're really no different at all!

3 Name: Young Dollar : 2016-09-26 01:10 ID:X2acPbmg [Del]

I am merely trying to express my dislike for

1: a group that wishes to silence people with differing options then their one, a group that trys to white shame Americans, and a group that wishes to have "safe spaces" that act as an echo chamber, allowing people to live in a fantasy world were no one questions them. Say you're raciest for thinking that Muslims could be radical and harmful.

2: a group that demands the lives of cops, while children get shot to death in drive by shootings and no one protests their deaths. a group that demands segregation and "black only" spaces. a group that is willing to "fight the power" by going on the internet and telling people to go out and kill cops

so yes, i am telling people that are Dollars to understand what SJWs and BLM truly due.

for acting and saying are two different things, and both of these groups say "oh we're peaceful" then in some way will harm others for their cause.

4 Name: Nagai Hidari : 2016-09-26 01:37 ID:Cott9uH5 [Del]

I happen to agree with Young dollar.

5 Name: ThornAtYourSide : 2016-09-26 02:01 ID:6As1gSw7 [Del]

Agree or disagree to your heart's content~I happen to comprehend also, what YoungDollar's trying to say, but you can't fight discrimination or a misguided sense of bravado with even more bravado-and anyway, what do you suppose yelling about it online to people who happen to agree will do anyway? The most it serves to accomplish is an even stronger pride for YoungDollar. There are and will still be these foolish groups despite your anger.
So now hear this; I can understand a rant, but going around asking people to join your cause as if your own morale flow represents the Dollars as a whole? That's too hopeful to laugh at. It's a bland joke that makes no difference.
Let's shed a little light on this matter to prove my point further;
BLM has some screws-loose elitists, but the point of the group itself is one of eeauality. Like feminism is judged by the girls who think girls need more power than the opposite sex, but again, the whole pays for it.
I'll say it again;you playing hero from a group of people whose morality is transparent is just as bad as someone wanting more power to those who seek equality. You're no different.

You want change? Ignore it. These things tend to die out with time anyway.

I hate people who think they know everything. It's sad, really. Predictable. It offers me no entertainment. "SJW",but haven't you noticed? You're trying to be the very definition of social justice warrior while mocking them! Now THAT'S funny!

6 Name: Nagai Hidari : 2016-09-26 11:41 ID:2OKnezd5 [Del]

Whether YD is right or not is up to the individual to decide. However, it seems as if you have made a mischaracterization of YD's argument.

YD is not suggesting an authoritarian scheme, in which he essentially becomes the leader of a site wide movement. I'm sure that YD knows that as long as people have free choice that many will disagree with him. Also, I get the impression that YD does not intend on silencing opposition like the groups that he mentioned.

So: let's start off by defining "Social Justice Warriors". SJW's are people who argue for overly liberal values as a means of self-validation. Meaning, that instead of pushing an agenda for a perceived "greater good", they argue disingenuously in order to raise their self esteem or personal reputation.

Examples of this are rife within movements like BLM and other radical-left groups., and unlike the Trump movement, hate seems to be the main part of their message (with the exception of a few reasonable people{many of whom, I still disagree with}.). If all Trump supporters (and the trump campaign) can be judged by their worst examples, then those who are judging should expect the same treatment.

I didn't want to become too involved, but I felt the need to clarify some misconceptions.

7 Name: Valdr : 2016-09-26 17:46 ID:LOAyzsYH [Del]

*quietly eats popcorn*

8 Name: ThornAtYourSide : 2016-09-26 22:19 ID:3a+QpskD [Del]

See, he replied once and as is the nature of most humans, you'd naturally want to finish what you argue to the bitter end, but where is he now while you try to back him up? Define whatever you want how you like, but his intent is his own, so you're argument is your own. Don't look at this as though you're defending him. You're here for yourself. I want him to tell me I'M wrong. I Don't need an outside source telling me what another wants.
But in regards to your argument;and I'll bring this back up-you just keep telling me what other people want. So maybe you're the white knight here, is that it? Everyone's gotta be a hero?
I'll spell it out plainly for you, I Don't care what anyone plans to do. Do as you like. But Don't sit on your highchair and tell me it's for the greater good.

9 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-09-27 00:28 ID:W5irx5V9 [Del]

Ok friends, I want to kindly remind you all that this is the personal board, which was not created to host flame wars. I would like to respectfully recommend you all settle your differences in opinion in a constructive manner, say, with a debate thread in Random, for example, with constructive non fallacious arguments, preferably.

Also, if I can add my two cents to this, note that it is
1- Illogical to say that one is entitled to commit an unreasonable comparison because their interlocutor did so first.

2- A poor choice to compare SJW and BLM to Trump supporters because while the latter have demonstrated some level of frustration, it has failed, in comparison, to CONSISTENTLY demonstrate the ability to emphasize, never mind a desire for CONSTRUCTIVE and RATIONAL change.

3- Safe spaces are in no way ideologically restrictive: the idea is that they could improve discussion by giving people both the expection/warning that certain subjects will be tackled and a positive environment in which they can share their views.
I recommend anyone who believes otherwise to please review the term (safe space has a definition and is not an opinion).

4- I am never amused when the term "white shaming" apears because it is, in my personal opinion, a sign that there are people feeling irrationally persecuted upon the presentation of facts. I am not saying that racism toward caucasian people does not exist or is impossible. I am stating that it is not wise, for someone who argues for "white shaming", to think that THAT completely dismisses the other's point, which is that racism toward POC is that much more severe.


10 Name: young dollar : 2016-09-27 12:44 ID:4YTM8STA [Del]

I never asked anyone to join "my team" i just ask that people not join a cause to "be on the right side of history"

The message of BLM is of euqal rights to whites, but they already have such. Is there still racism in the usa? yes, there well always be, but is it in the system to keep blacks down? HELL NO! anyone regardless of skin color can stride to greatness. Is our Black president not proof of this?

I just don't understand the need for the BLM, SJW, or feminist movements.

Feminists want equal rights for women, legaly they have it if not more rights than men

BLM want the system to stop shooting blacks, I want the "blacks" they speak of to stop resisting cops and cooperate with police. And maybe if the movement wasn't founded on a LIE I could respect it more.

SJW want... well i have no idea what the hell they want other then people to stop calling each other names like "faggot" but i just don't see that happening any time soon.

WE give words power, we give them meaning. So it is up to the individual to take offence to something.

I just can't agree with people who want to say "Everything is racist, Everything is sexist, everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out." -Anita Sarkeesian

you can tell me i am wrong to hold that view, and while i don't agree with yours I wont tell you that you are wrong.

11 Name: Nagai Hidari : 2016-09-27 15:12 ID:h5uLm1If [Del]

<<8 I have the right to speak my mind as I please. We went over this already.

<<9 You must have absorbed University Culture. When rioters pull you into their mosh pit for a "white beating", I'd like to see you try to defend yourself with UC reasoning. BLM is racist. SJW's are going to start a war (as the cause of most wars are because of some people being blamed for their ancestors' actions). Feminists want an authoritarian matriarchal society (I do not support any overly-authoritarian societies).

Safe spaces are useless, and an assault on free speech. PC is also an assault on free speech. (Before you shout "Racist Bigot!", look up 'Ben Carson National Prayer Breakfast'. It is informative, insightful, and entertaining.)

<<10 Not much criticism here. Just keep up the good work in making your voice heard. Let people know that the unfettered internet is the last place on the planet which is truly free.