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Fake or not fake (11)

1 Name: Info broker_16 : 2016-09-21 11:00 ID:vBncy/lH [Del]

OK so usually I don't have a problem knowing whether people are actually being nice to me or not. Recently I met a person let's call her Elise well anyway Elise is really nice to me but like overexagerated nice it freaks me out sometimes, yet I think she's trying to be friends but i dunno if she's actually meaning her kindness towards me or taking it because she's popular. Can someone give me advice on whether I should stop talking to her or something

2 Name: Reisuke-kun : 2016-09-21 11:31 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

I would like to help but could you give examples of things she does or a little bit more information then I can help but so far it sounds like she might just want to be friends I know a lot of people that over exaggerate being nice and are still good friends.

3 Name: Info broker_16 : 2016-09-21 12:03 ID:D/6gSwvD [Del]

Well hmm like every time she'll come say hi to me and have this really huge grin plastered on her face and she tends to talk in a higher pitch than her normal voice

4 Name: Yukito : 2016-09-21 13:42 ID:e+iPJkZ7 [Del]

Did she talk with you before? You and she are in the same class? (If you're in school or something like that)

5 Name: Kori : 2016-09-21 15:56 ID:lpbm7ecx [Del]

Do you see how she interacts with other people she considers friends? I for one act differently around people I am new to simply because I'm a bit odd. So it might seem to others that 'm rude to my close friends when in reality we are all hyper sarcastic to each other.
Tldr, if it its a different treatment than she gives her other known friends, maybe she is just being fake.

6 Name: Logrog!.LOG.5m4QA : 2016-09-21 16:13 ID:kUavsWAl [Del]

well just be friends with her until she hurts you. and ya know if you hang out with her then you'll see her true colors. good luck friend :).

7 Name: Logrog!.LOG.5m4QA : 2016-09-21 16:13 ID:kUavsWAl [Del]

and remember she cant make ya do anything you dont want to and of course dont let her you do you>

8 Name: Boopwrang !PM7yJG3LAw : 2016-09-21 17:25 ID:Gv33v2oV [Del]

Well I got popular by being nice. I wasn't doing it to get popular, I just liked helping people, and I just met a lot of people that way

9 Name: Info broker_16 : 2016-09-21 19:19 ID:4Mjxic54 [Del]

Thank you guys i truly appreciate it and sorry I took too long. I've decided to just be her friend and yes her best friend has given me the stink eye before but you know what it really doesn't matter I think if JM not sure I'll just talk to her but I won't tell her any personal things or something.

10 Name: Logrog!.LOG.5m4QA : 2016-09-22 10:03 ID:Dn1p2HIs [Del]

Keep me updated I'm glad to help. Good luck

11 Name: jolt : 2016-09-24 14:14 ID:a11tJljT [Del]

it might be that she belives you like her because of who she is rather than what she has and how popular she is. is it really wrong that she gets really happy when she sees you. i also recommend that you don't ditch her at the first sign of trouble. you can do it! if it where me i would fail or mess it up .... for some of us real friends are hard to come by mabe she thinks she found one you.