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Relationship advice? Thanks.. (8)

1 Name: Emiko : 2016-09-20 11:05 ID:Q1Qw+eTQ [Del]

Hey. So, me and my boyfriend have been together since mid to late april. He started out really sweet and fine with the fact that I have boundaries when it comes to sexual things. We'd talk for hours every day, but as of recently he's been ignoring me.

I only get to hang out with him when at work (Fridays through Sundays) for only 2 hours, but during those 2 only hours we have, he'd rather hang out and talk to some other girl, who he told me when we first started dating he "used to" have a huge crush on, over me.

I had talked to him about all of this and he said there's nothing to worry about or be jealous about, but he still continues to ignore my messages once home. It says he's read them, but never replies.

Earlier today I had messaged him asking why he bothered dating someone like me when I clearly don't interest him anymore, and as always he read it, but didn't reply to it...

I just don't know what to do...

2 Name: Akina : 2016-09-20 14:07 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

My best friend been through something like that before and I'm going to tell you exactly what I told her. If a guy doesn't paid mind to you, no reply or even try to help I think you should leave him and find better. He can beg and show that much attention for you all he want after breaking up but it's too late for him to consider it. He should've done it when he had you not when he lose you. You're not jealous either you're trying to spend time with him as much you can but he doesn't appreciate it. Find someone else that'll value your time more trust me. I wouldn't say this so straight forward if he was a better person and you were wrong about him. People need to put their foot down at some points. I hope the best for you and sorry for you. I wouldn't trust him either b/c he's not even replying to you.

3 Name: Emiko : 2016-09-20 15:45 ID:Q1Qw+eTQ [Del]

>>2 Thank you for your advice. I've even talked to a few others as well and they said to give him a days or two more to start paying attention or I should just drop him. I mean, he was a good guy, but if he's pulling the silent treatment act, I guess he isn't worth my time.

Thank you for your time. ^^

4 Name: Akina : 2016-09-20 17:27 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

np glad to help.

5 Name: Mariko : 2016-09-22 22:09 ID:Fvy3vDYK [Del]

Dump him immediately. I know I'm a bit late, but obviously he's not worth any more of your time. This is what it means to have self-respect: doing what's right for you. It's okay to say "f*ck you" to other people and think of yourself.

6 Name: Ithaqhua !6CfFwUwo.6 : 2016-09-23 04:42 ID:oRfGqW0+ [Del]

Late as well, but I agree with >>2 and >>4.
You clearly deserve better than to be in a relationship that's apparently only valued by you. It's a shame if he's actually a good guy, but hopefully he'll learn from it. Just go back to being single and find yourself someone that knows how to value the time he/she gets to have with you ^^

7 Name: Info broker_16 : 2016-09-23 12:32 ID:sb0mvBGi [Del]

Emiko from personal experience you don't have to worry about anything. Let it be let it fall apart you don't need someone like that in your life don't get offended but if he loved you he wouldn't do shit like that to you he'd at least answer your messages, you are a special person and I gotta say you are pretty strong to still hold on to him even if he's done so many things wrong. You have to let go and relax let him hang out with whoever he wants and end it I know it sounds harsh but trust me its way better to be alone than to let someone play with your feelings like that and then lie in your face.

8 Name: demoness : 2016-09-25 07:40 ID:fYk7lceG [Del]

you went and got angsty on him...
well, it's not your fault that this is happening between you two. sometimes distance forms, and whatever the reason is he clearly isn't giving you the attention you deserve. if he didn't jump at the opportunity to dump you when you started making a deal out of him talking to that other girl then he probly doesn't want the relationship to end.

you mentioned that you aren't comfortable with a certain level of sexual activity, so does that have to do with his distance do you think? if it does, he's getting impatient but seems to want to wait for you. if it doesn't, you can still just assume he is impatient but wants to wait for you.

now then, to get to the advice part. I wouldn't suggest that you dump him too suddenly. you obviously have real feelings for him, so give it as much of an effort as you can spare. you don't want to break up with him and then regret it because you don't feel like you tried hard enough, so really put forth that effort.
honestly, if i were you in that situation, i would make lunch plans with him or something outside of work. plan it at work when you know you will see him face to face, interrupt his conversation with that other girl if you have to because you are his girlfriend and have the right to talk to him. when you have him face to face with you and outside of work, simply point out that there is an obvioius issue between you two. don't start listing off the things you're upset with, don't start blaming him of doing anything wrong. just tell him that this isn't working for you and you want to figure out with him how to become closer again. if he doesn't want to discuss it or avoids the topic, tell him that if the two of you can't fix it you're going to have to break up with him because he can't make you happy if he doesn't communicate with you.
based on the thought that he wants the relationship to last, that should get some kind of progress. if he would rather break up with you than talk to you about important things, he is a serious waste of your time, and if he is the one who won't do anything to better the relationship then you will have nothing to regret in dumping his ass.
put forth every effort to shape the relationship into something you both can enjoy, but remember that above all else you are the important factor here. this is about your feelings and happiness, you need to prioritize yourself enough that you can find happiness in your situation. don't stay in a relationship with him because he doesn't want to break up, only do it if you are happy with the way things are going to be between you.
ultimately, when you know rather or not he will help you shape the relationship to something wonderful you should ask yourself one question... "am i with him because we are good together, or am i with him because i don't want to break up?" That's the question that got me to a conclusion when i was in a similar situation. don't be afraid to break up, just figure out if he can make you happy and you him.