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Eugenia Cooney is underweight. (5)

1 Name: Anon : 2016-09-11 21:31 ID:p86GTaB4 [Del]

Didn't know where to put this.

^Eugenia's Channel

[Summary if you don't wanna read the whole thing: Eugenia Cooney is underweight and needs to seek medical attention. Copy and paste the text below to inform her of the effects of being underweight, and this link:


When I was in the ninth grade, I really loved anime and the "alternative style" of clothing. I really liked Black Veil Brides, and "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was my favorite movie.

I'm a sophomore now, and recently, I've been investigating all the things that I used to really like. (I still enjoy a good Black Veil Brides song every now and then, and I still love this website). One of the things is a Youtuber that is called Eugenia Cooney.

She is very clearly underweight. I can't tell you if it's an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa) or possibly a different medical condition, but she is not healthy. Of course, half of the comments in her videos are "Jesus eat a burger," but if anyone knows anything about talking to people about weight (especially people with eating disorders), that doesn't help. What MIGHT help, however, is informing her of the dangers of being underweight.

She might not have anorexia (Though it's really really likely, let's be honest). She could have an alternative medical condition that causes her to lose weight. But despite that, she is UNHEALTHY. Her fans always say, "Oh, you're beautiful, don't listen to the haters," but I'm simply concerned for her health. When I stumbled upon her channel, I was shocked at how frighteningly thin she was. Calling Eugenia beautiful (although I agree that she has a very pretty face), could simply increase the dangerous act of refusing to seek medical help.

So, if any of you guys would like to, I would really appreciate it if you would simply to her channel and copy and paste the following text into the comments.

"Effects of being underweight

-Weakened immune system: An underweight person is more susceptible to illnesses because their body cannot fight sicknesses as well as a healthy body.

-Reduced bone strength: Osteoporosis is common in underweight people. In fact, if a person does not get enough nutrients to keep their bones healthy, the bones can lose density and strength. The spine can lose strength and cause permanent disfigurement. This is caused by a lack of calcium, which is a necessity for having a healthy body.

-Reduced nutrient absorption: Things like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are essential for the body to maintain itself. An underweight person’s body cannot absorb these things as well as a healthy body. Thus, for example, because calcium cannot be absorbed efficiently, the bones of an underweight person will start to weaken, leading to a higher risk of osteoporosis or fragile bones. It can also cause anemia, which is a deficiency of red blood cells, due to lack of iron.

-Less muscle strength: When someone is underweight, their body starts to essentially devour itself, and use up tissue and muscle to sustain itself. Once the body has used up as much muscle and tissue as it can, it moves on to other, more vital parts of the body, until death. Reduced muscle strength can also harm the body in the sense that it prevents it from regulating the body’s temperature well, leading to fatigue.

-Lack of fertility (for women): A woman that is severely underweight will most likely cease having her period, and if a low BMI is maintained for too long, a woman’s fertility might be affected, because the body could not sustain another life growing inside of it. If a woman’s body can’t sustain itself, she most likely will not be able to have a healthy pregnancy.

-Death: If the body is severely underweight, it cannot sustain itself like a healthy body would. Humans need muscle strength, bone strength, and nutrients to live, and if the body has none of those things, eventually, a person’s heart rate will slowly begin to decline, body temperature will fluctuate too much, and fatigue will overtake them, resulting in death.

I hope you see this Eugenia, and become motivated see a doctor. Whether it be a physical disease or an eating disorder, you’re not healthy, and should see a doctor right away!

I am not a doctor. This is information found after research. Seek medical attention if you fear that you are underweight.

Good luck"

The link to her channel was posted above, at the very top. Please, please, please try to help her. She is scary-looking, and it concerns me. No one should have to deal with a frightening medical condition alone, or an eating disorder (if she has one, which she probably does, but who knows?)

Give her support, and show that there are people that care by being positive, but teaching her at the same time.

2 Name: Tree, the background character !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-09-11 22:56 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

If you look at her latest video, you can see that so many people commented your worries as well, even Onision posted a video one day ago expressing actual legitimate worry just like you. I'm kind of scared too, because I can't do anything and it's only a matter of time before something happens.T^T I think what she needs is a person actually in her life to do something about it, but according to Onision she recently moved away from her parents. So... Who are these people that can actually help her?!?!?!. I don't know her, but i did see one of her videos a long time ago. I'm worried too and I seriously can't do anything. I will take your suggestion and comment it though, but sadly I don't think it will help... I hope someone nearby in real life that knows her does something though, that might be the only thing that can help, I don't know.

I'm sad now because of this... Her face looks normal too, but everything else is definitely something to worry about!

3 Name: Tree, the background character !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-09-11 23:34 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

I posted the comment, and I even mentioned you. Please upvote it if you find it.

4 Name: Speaking Sister : 2016-09-12 12:16 ID:0inDgTWb [Del]

Any man under at least 400 pounds is underweight and isn't worth my time. Honestly how can you guys say you're sexy and fit with all these heavy muscles like what? Fat is beautiful because it's natural and how human males are supposed to look. This is an insult to my intelligence please permasage this shit, thanks.

5 Name: Boopwrang !PM7yJG3LAw : 2016-09-12 13:23 ID:Gv33v2oV [Del]

>>4 Not everyone does it for looks, I just wanna be stronger for fun and live longer and do more activities and its not like you can just avoid these body mutations when you grow more fit. Getting fit is a choice. But hey your entitled to your opinion and I think you are being sarcastic