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Social Help (8)

1 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-07 09:16 ID:feBb5SD7 [Del]

I have had social problems since elementary. I am currently a junior in high school. When I want to ask someone a question, even to ask permission from my parents for anything, I can't seem to ask for anywhere from 5 min to three hours. It takes me that long to pluck up the courage to ask, and I have been trying to work on this for eight years now. Recently I spent two weeks trying to muster the courage to ask someone on a date, but when I asked I was kind of rejected (it wasn't this exactly, I just don't know how else to put it). For almost 18 hours, I haven't been able to get this experience out of my head. I don't want this to set me back in the steps I have been taking to help my social anxiety, but I'm almost sure it will. I need help. How do I avoid this fear in the future? How can I get over this experience? Any advice would be great, thanks.

2 Name: Yoon Glee : 2016-09-07 12:34 ID:prESusQG [Del]

well, I experienced social anxiety too and damn I felt horrible around people my advice is don't worry about the consequences when you ask someone just think that people naturally has perspective of their own of how the respond to you...i hope this helps

3 Name: Peddler : 2016-09-07 16:41 ID:V1VCAVVJ [Del]

As long as you are conscious about it, you most likely won't regress. The first step to change a habit is to realize it in the first place. Also, it's normal to think a lot about it, more often than not, getting over things like that takes about a week, maybe less. After all, that person was important to you enough for you to want to go on a date, so give your feelings some credit where credit is due, don't rush yourself in things like this.

4 Name: Kagemaru !w8ynXedeTM : 2016-09-07 17:40 ID:JlUvS+w0 [Del]

Yeah man! Don't be scared!

5 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-07 17:58 ID:pTg1sWWV [Del]

>>2 Thanks, you're right, I definatley do need to stop overthinking social situations.
>>3 I think you're right. I often think my habits, even the ones I recognize are impossible to get rid of. The thing I always end up forgetting is to look for improvement, not instant change. And I definatley am being too hard on myself.

6 Name: Asahina Kousei : 2016-09-08 14:55 ID:4JNsjJu5 [Del]

I have similar issues. I only have friends right now because they spoke to me first. But even when I am acquainted with people I do not have the courage to speak. When I make a mistake or attempt to correct someone, I get nervous and begin to shake and hide in my arms. School is pretty hard, because I get embarrassed way too easily.

If you find any useful information, please share it with me too!

7 Name: Dafree : 2016-09-08 18:49 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

I sort of get where your coming from. Whenever I get really nervous talking to anyone I just think about how this conversation really doesnt matter and there are bigger problems than this conversation. I do this alot and it helps me be more like myself instead of being a nervous wreck

8 Name: Hitsuji : 2016-09-08 20:06 ID:pTg1sWWV [Del]

>>6 Contact me at
if either of us finds something, we can share it with the other.
>>7 I try to do that, but social interactions are the one place my emotions overpower my logic. I want to be able to think logically about social situations, and I try, but for some reason it doesn't come naturally to me. Thanks for the advice though, I will definatley keep trying.