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Long lost Friend and Hurting (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-07 07:49 ID:iVpTe9XS [Del]

So I had a friend that suddenly started blocking me from everything, and I've had mutal friends tell me that it was because of her boyfriend getting jealous at me, and wanted her to stop talking to me, we had been friends for about 6 years, really close, although never really meet, we were bestfriends, through a site called Dragoart, well i was wondering if anyone else had an experince like this, and what they did to basically heal themselfs

2 Name: Jankies : 2016-09-07 08:38 ID:TIhymuz7 [Del]

Yea my best friend is a little different up in the head so sometimes she gets very reclusive and cuts everyone off. Basically what helps me is to remember that I am my own person and whenever these things happen, I will survive. It hurts like hell though, man \(;O;)/ But sometimes in life these things happen lol. But if her boyfriend is already making her cut off friends then my assumption is that the relationship they have will be over soon anyways. Best of luck, m8. I know that feel all too well.

3 Name: Kagemaru !w8ynXedeTM : 2016-09-07 17:38 ID:JlUvS+w0 [Del]

I think that you should leave her be.
still try to work things out first. If she doesn't come back
then she's not worth the effort.

4 Name: Peddler : 2016-09-07 23:47 ID:V1VCAVVJ [Del]

I agree with >>2 and >>3 however I think that it is important to add that if and when she does come back and tries to be your friend, it may be weeks or it may be months, however it is up to you if you want to forgive or if you want to forget. You could put up with her actions and welcome her with open arms or you could just be over the whole thing. However, she made her decision and there may come a time when you might have to make yours so keep an open mind and remember that you are an individual with your own decisions.

5 Name: Speaking Sister : 2016-09-08 14:06 ID:0inDgTWb [Del]

Doraemon is a cool character because he gone thru much development because he was developed in a lab.

6 Name: Marx : 2016-09-09 11:58 ID:bnjMjo8t [Del]

That is actually a bad relationship, for one person in the relationship to tell their lover what and what not to do is NOT ok. I hope that your friend can get through this and talk to you again.