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Why do I keep doing this to myself? (14)

1 Name: S !i88h3XssjY : 2016-09-02 22:17 ID:GBGmwERi [Del]

I wouldn't call myself lonely. I wouldn't call myself antisocial. I wouldn't call myself desperate. And pardon the arrogance but I wouldn't call myself ugly.

But with all of that said, why is it that I seem to fall for almost every girl who shows me the slightest amount of affection?

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-09-02 22:44 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

3 Name: Sen : 2016-09-02 23:29 ID:Ma9v1Wd1 [Del]

>>2 I disagree with your use of the quote here. It's clear that he doesn't think low of himself, so settling for every girl is a bit harder to explain.

4 Name: Syphin : 2016-09-02 23:36 ID:YD6a63Lk [Del]

It's likely just infatuation; the thing most people feel when they meet a person and find them attractive.

5 Name: Aoi : 2016-09-03 02:08 ID:QEyL11mD [Del]

Well it different. There is such a thing as regular love, and love, like true love. Regular love is caring. But True love is when someone makes you feel special in a way others cannot.

And the answer your looking for is you doubt yourself and what your capable of. Your distance's yourself, feeling like your different in a way others can't see. And when a girl show internist in you it gives you that feeling like she likes me. I need to keep doing what I'm doing. But i'm starting to wonder if it not that you love them, but you admire them. But you can't tell the difference. But I could be wrong. But just ask yourself do you love them or do you admire them. For making you happy, feeling like you matter in that moment.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-03 19:26 ID:o+IjM288 [Del]

So basically humans tend to love those that are around them because simply put its the easiest thing to do. We're not all that different from animals. Since you're very antisocial the slightest amount of interaction releases a lot of dopamine because in your hormone filled state your brain is looking for a mate so it gives you the feeling called "love". In other words given your personality it's quite normal. Just deal with it until you mature and think of it as biology at work.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: Kai : 2016-09-04 04:38 ID:Ma9v1Wd1 [Del]

>>6 I agree with your conclusion, but I wanted to mention he said he wasn't antisocial.

9 Name: Akako : 2016-09-04 16:26 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

Well, there probably is a reason why you think it would be rare for someone to like you. I cant say that for sure, nor what the reason is, because I dont know you.
You might also just be misinterpreting your emotions.

Also, just to clear it up, you are just asking why is it happening, it is not like you are asking what to do about it, or maybe even if you should do something about it, right?

10 Name: Sen : 2016-09-14 01:12 ID:Ma9v1Wd1 [Del]

>>9 Iguess

11 Name: Unknown : 2016-09-14 06:03 ID:mGFPRP3L [Del]

You mistaken gratefulness for love

12 Name: Reisuke-kun : 2016-09-14 07:58 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]


13 Name: Kanra : 2016-09-14 13:29 ID:k8JFt5P8 [Del]

You're too open to a romanticized idea of relationships that you see on tv, the problem is that it doesn't give you any reality, you don't find the perfect girl for you in an hour and fourth minutes like the movies, it takes years, move on and take a hint of reality

14 Name: demoness : 2016-09-16 06:22 ID:fYk7lceG [Del]

hey, don't feel too bad. a lot of people romanticize the idea of a relationship, that's why so many date a lot of people and don't have deep relationships. it happens a lot these days. hell,a lot of people who are in relationships are mostly there for the sake of being in a relationship, and that leads to a lot of the cheating that has become almost commonplace in society. obviously that's not every relationship, but it's startling to think about how many are that way. at least you recognize what is happening, most don't really seem to even notice that their affection is so easily gained. and that's what it is, affection, you're not really falling for them it's like an elevated crush. try focusing in on someone who has similar interests as you, spending more time with them to get to know them, and see if more develops then. There will eventually be someone who spurs up deeper emotions than what you feel toward all these girls, so don't worry yourself too much in the meantime. you just haven't found someone special to you yet.