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eh (7)

1 Name: June : 2016-09-01 22:44 ID:Oa/OB76e [Del]

Im asexual and I dont know how to tell people. Im afraid my family will be mad because they think all people should be straight(most of my family are Christian) and I am afraid to tell my friends because Im not sure if they believe in asexuality.

If I get married to a male would that make me straight and if I get married to a female would I be a lesbian? Or would I still be asexual?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-09-01 23:29 ID:wNVQSfk1 [Del]

Um, you know. I'm pretty sure asexual means you don't get married at all.

3 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-09-01 23:59 ID:/forg2Pw [Del]

Well, asexual doesn't necessarily mean aromantic. It just means that you are not sexually attracted to someone, not that you can't fall in love. In my opinion, there's a lot of labels out there, and focusing on them is only going to end up making you unhappy. I think that if the people closest to you won't still love you when you tell them how you feel, then perhaps you need to find some new friends. If you feel that you cannot continue without letting them know, then you must, because it will only lead to them pushing you in the direction of what they think you are, instead of what you really are. I wish you good luck, and hope that you are met with a favorable outcome.

4 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-09-02 00:35 ID:WVeWAdni [Del]

>>1 As >>3 said people throw labels about to fit a group of people in, to your questions one you don't need to tell them but only if you really feel you must,
two no you would still be asexual even when married unless you are sexually attracted to someone, but people on the outside wouldn't know the difference and only assume depending witch one you where with

5 Name: Clark !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-09-02 03:08 ID:tvGU668Z [Del]

Even if you married a guy or girl you would still be asexual. If its really bugging you that you haven't told them then you probably should, your parents would just have to except you the way you are ( Not saying that there is anything wrong with being asexual, just saying its a fact that you are and they would need to except that ). And in all honesty if your friends can't except the fact that you are asexual then you need to get new ones because why should it matter.

Ps. If you get married nothing would change you would still be asexual.

6 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-09-02 09:59 ID:PiJVQxos [Del]

Marriage does not define your sexuality. It is also perfectly possible to marry an asexual. Do not feel obligated to tell anyone about your orientation, especially if you feel it is unsafe to do so. No one is entitled to this knowledge and it is essentially your choice.

7 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-09-02 10:09 ID:PiJVQxos [Del]

There are non verbal ways of declaring your asexuality (heard of ace rings before?).

Start by verifying how open minded your friends are on the subject of sexual orientations, relationships and sexuality related subjects. That way, you can determine if you should even bother speaking to them about your orientation.