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I'm not sure.... (8)

1 Name: Rorii : 2016-08-30 08:47 ID:pEZwexj5 [Del]

I'm really sure how to say this but I was asked out by a guy who I have alot of things in common with like music, movies and so on. We've also recently started playing games together and it stops me from thinking about issues in life, today I had this goofy smile on my face thinking about him... He is really kind, you could say he's a gentleman. I'm not sure what to answer him..I'm unsure of my own feelings. I can go from being upset to happy and back to upset...but it's not like that with him.. Sorry if this is too long I just wanted some advice on what I should say.

2 Name: Akina : 2016-08-30 09:39 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Are you a female or a male in this situation bc it does depend on the advice I'm going to give? So I'm separating it.

1. If you're a guy confused about his own feeling I think you should be honest and tell him that. You feel happy around him but you don't want a real relationship if you are confused about your feelings. If he prefer to just be friends instead of trying that leave it be he'll understand If he does try I wish you both happiness of course.

2. For a female if you like the guy go for it if he treats you as good you feel. Just remember he's no longer your friend if you go further and feel ready. He's someone that'll show you a new path to be together and be happy in a different way that others most likely can't. Which I also hope you would end up happy.

3 Name: Rorii : 2016-08-31 05:57 ID:pEZwexj5 [Del]

I'm a girl and thanks for the advice but I kinda screwed up and they decided that we should just call it a misunderstanding...and I don't think I can fix that if that's their decision

4 Name: Akina : 2016-09-01 19:23 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Things can change though but for now leave it be so matters don't get weird.

5 Name: Kanra : 2016-09-01 20:28 ID:k8JFt5P8 [Del]

Well don't be so weird, you are a living breathing human who should have control of their emotion, it doesn't matter your gender, if anything it's an excuse why you act weird, and if you ruin anything with him, it's because of what you said and did, you have to grow up sometime, and realize you're in control of your emotions, and if you mess something up, it is only your fault, so just be normal

6 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-09-01 22:41 ID:/forg2Pw [Del]

>>5 Emotions are not something so easily controlled. There are times when they come out involuntarily, and for a teenager, mood swings are a very normal thing, and they happen without any warning. Also, someone cannot simply "be normal," and sometimes people, when their emotions become uncoontrollable, say things that they don't like. Again, emotions cannot just be contained, and they most certainly do not heed commands.

>>1>>3 Yeah, it'd be best to not rush too quickly back into it. Relationships take time and effort. Keep bonding over the things you enjoy, and ask some questions about each other. Start with something really simple; what's your favorite color? Favorite movie? Even if you don't end up being with him romantically, I think it would be a shame if you lost them as a friend. You two sound very close.

7 Name: Edaneres : 2016-09-02 13:24 ID:a11tJljT [Del]

the question is how do you feel about it If you like him go for it if not explain how you feel we can speculate all we want but from what I can see you already have a high opinion of him. I think you are half hoping we should tell you to do it since it. just don't let the good one go. good luck hope things look out.

8 Name: KiashaKota : 2016-09-02 14:30 ID:jHZaDkdc [Del]

I'm a guy and whenever I ask out a girl and then they say "let me think about it" I always get suspicious, but it sounds like this guy really trusts you, if you like him, go out with him, if not then don't, weather you do or don't you will probably be doing the same things together.