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What do I do (4)

1 Name: Azael : 2016-08-29 22:21 ID:kYayNpar [Del]

So my girlfriend has severe depression. She cuts all the time and just recently had a suicide attempt. I really don't know what to do. She is going to therapy, but that doesn't help. It makes her think too much about what happened and she doesn't handle that well. It leads to more cutting. I've tried helping her myself and tried being there for her but that dosen't work either. She never comes to me so I never know when she's feeling depressed and she rven tries hiding her cuts from me. I don't know what to do. I really don't want to lose her to depression. Please help.

2 Name: Mariko : 2016-08-29 23:04 ID:wTAQqxCK [Del]

Listen, depression is something that is overcome by the person suffering from it. It's not logical or rational and nothing anyone says or does can really make a difference to your girlfriend.
The best you can do is be there for her. Try spending more personal time with her. Go on a walk, go on a date. Do something fun together (amusement park, swimming pool, art project, writing project, etc) to attempt to take her mind off of the bad times.
Something you can say that might make a difference is that she has a right to live in this world. She doesn't need anyone's approval to be who she is or to live her life how she wants to. It's okay to say "f*ck the world" and to stop caring what others think about you because they don't matter anyway. They're not anymore important or worthwhile than she is.
It's good you're there for her.

3 Name: demoness : 2016-08-30 05:06 ID:fYk7lceG [Del]

Mariko is totally right.
and it's extremely good that she doesn't try to hide her cuts from you, she is being pretty direct about how she has been feeling. while clearly it would be better not to have cuts to show it, if she has cut it's not a good sign if she starts trying to hide it.
There is no need to try to tell her to stop doing that, but being there for her is very important, even if she doesn't seem to respond to you that much, you already are helping her.
Following the suggestion to take her on dates and whatnot is a good idea, but don't push her to go out necessarily, if she seems to want to take comfort inside that's fine too; it's the personal time together that is the key factor. If you make sure she is not alone on this journey and do your best to support her, I have no doubt that she can overcome this with time and patience on the part of her loved ones.
Don't forget that you're doing a great job of handling this too- depression puts stress on everyone involved, its inevitable- and it's clear that you care about her a lot. So take care of yourself and stay strong for her because you are one of the precious things she has to hold on to through her struggle.
and of course, feel free to let out your rants to us when you need an ear, you're not alone either.

4 Name: Scarface : 2016-08-30 09:41 ID:WL29R72U [Del]

hm what helped a friend of mine was wearing an elastic rubber band on her wrist so she could use it instead of razor blades. Further we talked about all the things that happened but not just for 1 houer but up to 5 to talk it through and search for solutions and then we always ended it with something positive. Check her wrist, ankle and hip for cuts and talk openly about it. Don't act shocked when you find new cuts but talk to her calmly. It's still a taboo in our society which has to changes so people don't have to feel ashamed for stuff like that but rather find understanding minds and people who are willing to help. If the therapy brings up all the thoughts of what happened in the past what about making appointments afterwards like calling you? Making appointments can help to keep in touch and might prevent her from shutting herself away.

Depressed people shut themselves away very often so try to approach her. Check on her even if she pushes you away from time to time. Just show that you truly care. Regarding the suicide attempt... I guess asking how she tried it is too personal so I'll try to give general advice.

Warning signs regarding depressed episodes:
- Change in weight
- Neglecting her overall appearance and hygiene
- Having Swollen eyes most of the time (because she cried a lot) and traces of old makeup that wasn’t removed
- Feeling tired all the time and appears exhausted
- Different sleep pattern (sleeping way more or way less)
- More moody and short tempered
- Losing interest in things she used to like/do.

Warning Signs regarding suicide:
- Always talking or thinking about death, even if that subject is hid behind a funny remark.
- Some kind of death wish and trying to get into accidents, doing dangerous things and getting more and more reckless
- Not caring about things they loves and cared about a lot.
- talking about being worthless, hopelessness and that the world would be better without them
- Unexpected and sudden change from very depressed to happy (this reaction is dangerous because they've most likely decided to end the pain by dying)
- Visiting/Calling and saying some kind of good bye and getting things in order, tieing up loose ends and such
- Openly talk about suicide.

If any of these apply ask her if she has (still) suicidal thoughts. Many believe that you shouldn't ask them about it but in reality it's a burden to have those thoughts and if someone realizes how much they weight them down it sometimes helps to talk about it. Most of the time people give hints before the try to commit suicide because an unconscious part of their being wants’ to live. They just don't see another way to get rid of the pain besides dying. Save two suicide prevention/crisis hotlines on both your phones so that in an emergency she can call someone if no one else is available. Remove sharp stuff, bleach, pills, thick ropes and weapons of any kind as good as you can if you think she has a depressed episode. Check for high places too and if substance abuse is involved. Many suicides happen under the influence of alcohol, drugs and pills. Most women don't jump from high places and use other stuff but... you never know. Look out if she hangs around dangerous places like railroad tracks and drinks around those places.

What always helps is education oneself about depression because it helps to understand the human mind and the issue a bit better. Read some books about it and combine it with your own experiences of pain and try to understand what it's like to be in her shoes. It's not the same but it helps you to scratch the surface of what’s going on behind closed doors.

I hope I could help you somehow. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
I wish your girlfriend all the best and I hope that she can overcome depression.
