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My friend is suicidal (7)

1 Name: ASF : 2016-08-29 03:16 ID:u8Mc0npz [Del]

So, my friend is very suicidal and tried to shoot himself. The gun jammed, i dont know what to do. He's drinking a lot and keeps saying that his ex is the only one that was keeping him alive. (HE dumped her about a month ago, because she lied i guess?? IDK.) I've tried to talk him out of this but nothing im doing is actually working. Please help in anyway you can. Much appreciated.

2 Name: Silver : 2016-08-29 04:49 ID:pniALMPl [Del]

I think theres a suicide help thread in the dollars maybe they can give you some advice ( sry I cant find it right now)

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-08-29 05:23 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-08-29 08:40 ID:ymx7ZqFA [Del]

In tempted to say "tie him up and talk him out of depression".

5 Name: Scarface : 2016-08-29 10:10 ID:AHdkajc1 [Del]

Proffesional help would be best. Suicidal thoughts have to be taken serously. I do not know his age but if he and his parents are on good termes talk to them about it. Otherwise to his closest friend who you can trust. For depressed people its hard to reach out to others so try to be there for him as good as possible and help him with ordinary tasks like buying grocerirs, keeping the house and himself clean and so on. He most likely wont like it if others know about it but this is a serous Situation. I can't stress this enough.

Visit him regulary and do activies with him that he used to like. Do some sports together, go out for a walk, watch a movie together or play a videogame with him. Or try something entierly new together. I don't know if he is that type of person but sometime bodylanguage an contact helps too. Give him a hug, let him cry and tell him that crying is nothing someone needs to be ashamed of and its not a weakness. Don't only say it, show that you care and that you are honest and say it because you truly mean it. Show him what he still has and how far he's come. He wont like it but if you have the chance suggest a professional or group meetings. Depending on if he is working or going to school visit him afterwatds and maybe even stay overnight from time to time. I dont know how bad the drinking problem is but on friday and saturday the risk of drinking too much is eveb higher than on worl days because he doesnt has anything to do/responsibillities. It also depends on what he drinks. Once your drunkenough you dont realise how much and what you drink. Exing a bottle of vodca does more harm than a girls beer for example. Make sure to tell him when you think something he does isnt good but show it in a caring manner and dont judge him. Sit down next to him and just listen. Give him time to awnser too. Its hard to talk about petsonsl stuff.

If you have the opportunity, check through signs of selfdistructive behaviour besids drinking. Cutting (wrist, ankel, hip), burns on his bodey (of cigs or simumar), bruises (from smashing parts of the bodey against walls), reckless behaviour in general (crossing the streat when/where you shouldnt, drinking near high places and railroad trucks (most suicides happen under the influende of drugs, alcohol, pills and similar). And stay in touch even if it's hard.

Then when your at his hous check it for dangerous objects. These include pills, weapons of any kind (knife, gun, sharp stuff in general), bleach and similar stuff, Thick ropes. Check for high places in that aeria too. Look for a local suicide prevention Hotline und save it (together with him) on both your phones. Talk to one person you can trust so of he contacts befoe he wants to take his live you can tell him/her with a codeword or a short word (you might have to do it quick) that he/she needs to contact the police. Preferable send a screenshit to proof he is suicidal. Sadly many cops don't act quick and want to make sure its not a prank first.

I hope I could help you somehow and sory for my bad english skills. It's not my motherlanguage. If you have any questions feel free to ask them.

Until then I wish you and your friend all the best.
- Scarface

6 Name: ASF : 2016-08-29 15:29 ID:u8Mc0npz [Del]

Thank you all for the support and taking your time to help. I think its under control for the moment, but he could be lying or faking it biding time. Ive never really dealt with this kind of situation before, so thank you guys for helping out.

7 Name: Akina : 2016-08-29 19:55 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I dealt with that before it is difficult but professional help is the best way. I can't say my method is the best but most ppl used to threaten me about suicide idk if they were trying to guilt trick me into doing certain things for them or they were serious. I know I yelled at them to stop it before and told them to think about the mental damage they're causing me it's abusive too and yknow ppl that really cares it does hurt a lot. I lost some friends and kept some sometimes its hard to even sympathies personally to me. Suicide is painful to watch it hurts and I hope you don't suffer that pain. Eventually you won't feel a thing anymore if ppl do this infront of you or you find out about it. I wish you luck on the situation.