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What would be a Perfect High School? (15)

1 Name: AnonymousOP : 2016-08-18 21:11 ID:DLp0UJnn [Del]

In this thread I ask the simple question of what would make a High School perfect for you. Perhaps a smaller Student-Teacher Ratio, Student-Teacher Forums, or having Lessons Recorded, with the option for students to watch them live and ask questions in chatrooms connected to the teacher's computer? Perhaps making High School less about Failing through Grades and more about focusing on the will to succeed through points? What would make High School perfect for you?

2 Name: Ed : 2016-08-18 21:28 ID:Drki+GvD [Del]

It needs more discipline and higher standards

3 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-08-18 21:37 ID:nPIbBXNG [Del]

To be honest, "perfect" isn't really in my dictionary. But I suppose it be something similar to Finlands education? Something that focuses more on the students rather than the student's numbers - and with teachers that actually cared

4 Name: Otachu : 2016-08-19 17:27 ID:T99zlLnC [Del]

Nothing is perfect. However, we can get close to it. Personally, I would like more events, teachers who aren't too strict and help you out, and a library with better and up to date books.

5 Name: AnonymousOP : 2016-08-20 14:02 ID:DLp0UJnn [Del]

Okay, the suggestion for the library has been noted, thank you. For Events, how about a sort of "Monthly Internship"?
Okay, how about using the aforementioned event of the Monthly Internship to test how the teachers have affected the students? For example, use the monthly internship to go over relationships and see if the teacher has positively affected relationships, such as helped the loners not be so unconnected to the rest of the class?

6 Name: V : 2016-08-20 14:17 ID:S9f608Wg [Del]

I think the way schools are at the moment is fine. (then again, my school is as Canadian as possible -_-) The drama, stress, un-needed problems, friendships, heartaches, low self esteem, sports, yada yada...It all leads to how we are today. highschoolers may say they hate school for all this being here, but honestly, we kinda need it.

7 Name: AnonymousOP : 2016-08-20 16:13 ID:DLp0UJnn [Del]

I simply plan to found a High School.

8 Name: redmouse : 2016-08-20 19:15 ID:30nAW3t0 [Del]

i feel like that there should be a board in each school (if there is in your school there isnt one in mine) and it should be with stuff that anonymous students/school should write to other people to make them feel happy or helping kids who need help.. i also think the lessons should be fully recorded

9 Name: AnonymousOP : 2016-08-20 23:23 ID:DLp0UJnn [Del]

The board seems a little bit of a bad idea, to be frank, it has too much potential for bullying.

10 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-08-21 08:15 ID:+s1fTudx [Del]

A smaller teacher/student ratio would be helpful, but also offer a variety of programs ranging from athletics to the performing arts. Giving students options on how to express themselves further encourages diversity on all levels.

11 Name: AnonymousOP : 2016-08-21 18:04 ID:DLp0UJnn [Del]

In my ideal high school, there are no athletics because the focus is on the individual's academic talents, pushing forth a generation of people that have college degrees out of High School.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-21 19:53 ID:6mjx6QNq [Del]

Read about the schools in Finland to get a very useful idea about how you can increase the potential in students. Also it depends a lot of what kind of students are you looking for... Example: If you have the idea of good athletes check sport centers; if you want good artists check out different museums and schools of art; if you want good academic students then focus on libraries and media content for their studies; if you want students with low economic solvency that are gonna work in half-time job, you have to implement a system of mix schedules and so...

13 Name: AnonymousOP : 2016-08-22 19:31 ID:DLp0UJnn [Del]

I found this, this seems to be a good example of what hardworking students can do.

14 Name: Annarasumanara : 2016-08-23 08:19 ID:9IH1f1Zv [Del]

The selection of teacher will be what makes your school. My school barely has any money and the administration screws us over a lot by "testing out" different standardized tests on students, constantly changing schedules, etc. But nobody really cares because the teachers are fantastic (most are graduates of the school). They don't give us fish, they teach us how to fish.
A "practical skills" class would be nice too. Something to teach about adulthood and do stuff like balancing check books, finding a job, etc. Along the way the class can also teach students the importance of their other classes and how much of an advantage graduating gives them.
Have principal-to-student meetings (by class) at the beginning of the year. At times it can be a little annoying, like having your crazy uncle nag you, but it's reassuring to know that the principal cares.
Also would be really considerate to have an extra teacher or so if a class is particularly large (I think they're called "intervention specialists").
This is just some stuff that my school does, I'm sorry if you've already heard it or it's not helpful.

15 Name: AnonymousOP : 2016-08-23 18:10 ID:DLp0UJnn [Del]

Hm, the "Intervention specialist" is something I am going to have to keep planned as something similar, for example if a Teacher had to take a sick day on short notice this would be particularly important, so this is good to know in advance to set aside funding for, but it is pretty far in advance.