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Bored (4)

1 Name: Erinys : 2016-08-15 18:47 ID:uKLm6BA1 [Del]

I have a problem that seems to follow me wherever I go - boredom. I find that no matter how great and comfortable my life is I am never happy. I come from not a rich family but not a poor family. Everyone in my family is great and I have everything and everyone that I need. I'm not ungrateful for it, or so I'd like to believe, but I can't get over this looming sense of absolute boredom. I am slowly losing passion for what I once loved and I'm skipping through different interests, trying to find one that sits well with me.

For the most part I like to get involved in other people's lives more than I want to be in my own and it's driving me insane. I want conflict and damage and something big to happen in my family or to me so I have something to work through but everything I have on my plate now just bores me. I feel no motivation to solve my own problems (which are mainly just exams and grades) but I do have an incredible hunger to cause problems. This has become such an issue that I often turn to the internet and create my own made up characters with problems. It's not good for me and I know it but I don't have the courage to tell anyone in my family. I realize that this is a problem I am creating of my own accord and I wish to solve it that way as well.

So that leads me onto this final part: Why post this? Why should I anonymously post this on the internet for anyone and everyone to see? Well I guess it's partly because I'm selfish and wish others would solve my problem for me, partly because I want attention and partly because I want it to end. I have tried every solution possible in my head and have endlessly thought about the scenarios and the most appealing solution I can come up with is suicide or murder and blame it on insanity. Of course, I am too scared to do it because I'm lazy and rather too shy but the more I think about it, the less scary it becomes. This is where the important part of this whole rather tedious and lengthy story comes in. I would really appreciate if someone, anyone, can tell me if this boredom is normal and I would also like to know a way to stop it other than pretending to be someone else online or a self inflicted end. You can reach me on this email : .

Yours faithfully,


2 Name: demoness : 2016-08-16 06:41 ID:fYk7lceG [Del]

it's not necessarily normal to take the boredom to such extremes as wanting chaos or destruction bestowed upon your own family, murder or suicide, and things like that. that is a bit of an extreme, but the fact that you would contemplate it and whatnot but have no direct inclination to act on it is a good sign.
anyway, i totally understand the boredom feeling, i try to fill it up with intersting stories and whatnot but hey, it's boredom it can be hard to get rid of.
have you ever tried roleplaying? i find it fascinating to sit down and write a story with another person, creating a world with as much destruction and intrigue as i can imagine and throwing it all at characters placed there. storywriting on your own can get boring, but with another independent mind it becomes something much more challenging and fascinating. you may consider D&D if that doesn't make you feel like too much of a nerd.
so, to round it off, if you want ann interesting distraction from your boredom and to release some of that pent up creativity, let me know and we can create a world to delight you!

3 Name: anonymous : 2016-08-16 21:01 ID:rwNQujaQ [Del]

>>1 You said that you've tried every solution possible in your head, but I don't feel like that's true. I feel like there's a range or circle, where you've considered all of the possibilities with it. Once you decided that you couldn't find anything within that range, you created two new options, murder and suicide, which didn't exist within that range before.

However, there's a circle much bigger that even those options fit into. I'm someone who believes that there are many mysteries to this world, and things that you can only find by looking at everything in the right way. Maybe what you need to decide to do is try to go against the flow of what's normal and the kinds of things that would be expected of you and other normal people.

One last thing I should mention is that having a strong connection with someone that's very real will help you through this. If you truly get to a point where you can talk to them about anything and will know that they will always be there for you then you won't need us anymore to help you with these kinds of things.

It's hard to give an exact name for what you are going through, but I think it's a struggle that everyone has, but people just approach or ignore it in different ways. In the end, I would be surprised if many, if any, people actually find a solution to this kind of thing. Best of luck though!

4 Name: Sid : 2016-08-16 21:43 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

I also get bored very easily, however I recently found my passion in life. From the sound of it you are just finding out who you really are. If you like to solve problems so much look into a career field doing just that. Depending on the problems it could be a law field, medical, psychological, etc. The world has a lot of problems already.

For me I went back to school so that I could design computer chips. After taking chemistry and physics I want to delve into quantum physics and apply that to quantum computing. What I am trying to say is not all school is boring, since in order to understand quantum physics a lot of education is needed.

It really boils down to what you want to do and it took me 5 years on my own to figure that out. If you like solving problems focus on the field of problems you like solving. If you like causing problems there is still careers for that. One I can list is computer security. Most of the security developed is by trying to hack the system, or find loopholes in the program.