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I don't like my body. (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-08 09:08 ID:AQXbBFL4 [Del]

The title says it all. I gained 4 kilos this past year and I don't like my body. I hate it. When I see my reflection in the mirror it's as if I'm seeing someone that I would critique harshly.

Then again, I'm physically unfit and I have a really bad eating habit since I'm stressed out. I wanted to be tall and slender but I gained weight.

I don't like my body. What should I do? :L

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-08 11:41 ID:L8eKpDkG [Del]

How about you starting to do sport and I don't mean swimming, football or something like that. I mean morning run or something not too hard. That helps you be more slender. Well, you can't do anything about your length...Well, I hope that I helped bit. By the way, if you see that your body has bad sides then try to look good sides too. in my case it helped

3 Name: protagonist : 2016-08-08 22:56 ID:Q7JDOGx0 [Del]

It will be alright. You mentioned you are stressed out? That can be a factor to gain weight. I also suggest a morning jog. It's a great way to keep your mind of the stressfulness of life and get in shape.

4 Name: Marx : 2016-08-09 02:09 ID:bW+JcPM3 [Del]

Hello! This may be quite the problem, I honestly can understand hating your body. But, I and many others are here to help and make you love yourself again!

First off, I would like to tackle the stress eating. I used to do that, and it definitely is difficult to break. But, I have found an alternative! Eat something healthy, small, and simple, like an apple! If you feel like eating more, just stop yourself for a second; and think, "Am I really hungry?" If you still have an urge to eat, drink some low calorie drinks, like water!

Secondly, dont EVER skip a meal. Your body will go into survival mode, and it will make it harder to lose weight. If this could help though, have a big breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner. If you think thats too much, then have small meals throughout the day whenever youre hungry. But, do make sure they are small, otherwise you might regret it more.

Third, do some exercise? You dont need to do anything intense. Maybe lift some weights for about 20 minutes (or less! Dont push yourself too hard!) Ride a bike but go at your own speed. Dont make it harder than it needs to be. And for a cool down, you can maybe walk? And dont forget to add yoga!

Fourth, keep yourself in a happy and healthy environment! Not only is it important to be physically healthy, but you need to be mentally healthy. If you have friends that are being mean to you, get them out of your life, its not good.

And just love everything! As bad as things get, try to stay happy! We all care for you, and want you to be happy!

5 Name: Tunes : 2016-08-09 22:26 ID:LiGrHExF [Del]

Stress eating sucks. I do it all the time, unfortunately. As for your weight, there are a couple of things you need to ask yourself first.

1) Are you unhealthy? Does this extra weight actually affect your ability to accomplish anything? Does it make it hard to do basic tasks? If not, then you are actually not unhealthy and the extra weight is fine and you are judging yourself too harshly.

2) Are you upset with it because you want to change for yourself, or because you think other people will judge you over it? This is a really big issue, because changing for yourself inspires you to do what you need to do, but changing for other people stresses you out and could actually make the problem worse.

If you do feel that the weight interferes with your ability to function and you just want to change for yourself, then there are a lot of things you can do to help. First don't expect it to be easy, and second don't take it too far. Remember to stay at a healthy level and eat plenty of food. What you want to do is keep a healthy balance of the right kinds of foods, moderate consumption, and exercise. If you want to lose a lot of weight then don't be too eager, because losing weight too fast can actually result in wrinkly skin. Weigh yourself at the same time every day, best in the morning after you use the bathroom, and try not to lose more than 5-7 pounds in a week.

Try to eat light meals all day, whenever you are hungry. But if you are stressed, make sure to ask yourself if you are really hungry. Sometimes things like thirst and anxiety can feel like hunger too. If you decide that you do not think you are actually hungry, but the craving won't go away, try to drink water or, if you crave more flavor, tea.

Don't limit what foods you eat. If you deny yourself completely, then it can actually add to the stress and make it harder to control how much you eat in general. Try to interest yourself in a healthier option, for example if you are craving a doughnut (or some other sweet fattening pastry), then try to change your focus over to various fruits - your body could be craving the sugars (which it does actually need), but natural sugars in fruit is healthier. If you can't find something that sounds equally as satisfying, then set a limit for how much you can eat and don't go over that limit. If you are still craving it when you finish, ask yourself if you are still hungry - see the above suggestion - and if you decide to eat, opt for something nutritionally similar but more healthy, like the fruit. And remember, if all else fails, water and tea are always acceptable.

Don't push too hard in exercising or you will strain your muscles and be sore. Get a good workout, build up a sweat, but rest when you need to and don't try to take on too much at once, or you will burn out. Work yourself up at a comfortable level. Taking walks is a good way to do it, and if you start feeling after a while that you can comfortably walk more, then add a few minutes to your route next time. And make sure that you drink plenty of water while you exercise.

And of course, most importantly to avoid stress eating, try to keep your stress levels low. Take time out of your day - an hour or so every day - to rest. Don't do anything - don't even play a game or watch a movie. You can do a simple brain puzzle or some kind of artistic craft. Or you can just listen to calming music, or take a nap. Do nothing and make sure you are in a calm, neutral state for the entire hour. Try not to spend the time on the computer, and don't do anything exciting or upsetting. Whenever stressful thoughts pop up, push them away. You can think about it after your hour is up. There is nothing so important that it can't wait for your scheduled hour to pass.

Try to think optimistically, if you can. When you think pessimistically, replace it with a more optimistic thought (not sarcastic). Even if you don't really believe it, even if you just let it run across your mind as a routine attempt. Even if you feel nothing and it means nothing. Make a point to let the optimistic thought cross your mind. Surprisingly, over time, this actually starts to help improve your mood. At least in my experience.

The hardest part of losing weight in a healthy way is making the time for it in your day (and actually spending that time doing what you planned) and not going overboard. But keep at it until you are back to your normal weight or you start to feel like your weight is no longer preventing you from doing your normal tasks. Good luck.