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I'm scared (13)

1 Name: sT10 : 2016-08-02 17:49 ID:xJ4QoqAA [Del]

I'm hiding right now. I'm scared, not of other people or the police but of myself... I'm scared of what I really am

2 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-02 18:26 ID:lzhuUFjy [Del]

Are you feeling okay now? We're here if you want to let your feelings out

3 Name: sT10 : 2016-08-02 18:39 ID:xJ4QoqAA [Del]

Dear Anonymous;
I sadly do not feel ok now and will probably never feel ok, I do not feel anything but emptyness inside. Thank you for you offer of help but I think a trip to hell will help me.

4 Name: kage : 2016-08-02 19:06 ID:d8GT4mHJ [Del]

What's wrong?

5 Name: kage : 2016-08-02 19:09 ID:d8GT4mHJ [Del]

Why are you scared of your self

6 Name: TickTockClock : 2016-08-02 21:01 ID:CvWPR2A+ [Del]

I definitely understand you.
We all hide behind masks and we all hide behind ourselves.
We're afraid of what might be, of what might come.
But sometimes people can see, they can see through us.
Right now, I'm sitting on the floor, in the dark, typing this, to tell you:
That you will find "it", the "thing" that gives you enough courage to stand taller, and find a way not to be scared or empty or anything.
I am also looking for something,too. : )
I just want to say that you're not alone, people can also understand and they can help you, like that Anonymous person up there.
Someday, whenever you find "it", you can come right back here to say that you did something, that you finally found yourself. We will all welcome you back.
You may be reading this quickly, but I typed everything with a deep thought in mind.
This may help, or maybe not even at all, but there is a purpose in life, so we must find it.
You may be scared, I may be scared, and still, there are others fighting themselves, too.
Haha, people call me smart, but if I'm so smart, then how come I don't even know myself? Well, enough of my sob story.
I hope you stay strong and really fight for your hope that will come, someday.
Really, I love this quote, and I couldn't leave this without it so you know..."The World Isn't As Bad as You Think"

7 Name: sT10 : 2016-08-03 04:17 ID:xPKR45/X [Del]

Thank you fof trying to help me but I cant keep this up. I have run out of resions to live, I serve no point in life. I feel like doing the world a favor and killing myself most of the time. I think I need to just go die...

8 Name: Frey : 2016-08-03 04:50 ID:Kaalsrlm [Del]

It's weird sometimes to think that someone will see something in you that you don't, but it happens. Things you might dislike about yourself might be things other people appreciate about you. There's always a reason to live, you just can't see it.

9 Name: sT10 : 2016-08-03 05:05 ID:xPKR45/X [Del]

I have no resion to live and living has become nothing but pain, death is the only thing that will end my suffering.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Scarface : 2016-08-03 10:24 ID:wWe2Ndec [Del]

As unbelivable as this sounds there is always hope not matter how hopeless it seems. I know it sounds weird, but nearly everyone of us has a dark side that we can't stand or did something that is a burden to us that we have to carry. Let it be a disorder, an agressive character or a bad deed we did. The good part of life is that no matter what happens along the way as long as we live we can try to better ourselfs and learn to deal with our demons if they consume us. Nobody of us is perfect. We all have flawes. We are humans, not machiens.

I know I can only beg you but please go on living. There is a reasen to live for everyone of us even if it doesn't seem like it. You probably just don't know the reason yet. You aren't doing a favour by killing yourself because there are always people who care, even if they are some random strangers on the internet. For us you are a part of this community. You matter to us. So please don't kill yourself.

You can always talk on this site. There are people who care about you and are willing to listen no matter waht the issue exacly is. Plese talk to us about it, we will help you and talking might ease the pain a bit. Don't hold it in. We are there for you.

12 Name: Kurozen : 2016-08-04 12:14 ID:+GHCJ+iF [Del]

Have you watched the second episode of DRRR? You just need to realize what life really is and to appreciate it more. I don't know how you will come to appreciate it more but death is CERTAINLY not the answer dude. Life has so many options and paths you can take it all depends on how you look at it. It's not easy to change your view on the world but if you really try you can become a new person if you stick to your ideals and that will help you really appreciate life a little more. In the anime it took the girl a near death experience but do't let it be the same. Realize that there is so much more and that you can have it as long as you want it.

13 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-08-06 00:29 ID:ySLaPoCj [Del]

Just take some time to accept who you are as a person. It may be scary, but until you do it, things may not get better.