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In all sarcasm, kill me fam. Thanks m8 (2)

1 Name: Din'sFire!NDD5HaAhTA : 2016-08-02 12:48 ID:M7nL632+ (Image: 1080x944 png, 624 kb) [Del]

src/1470160112430.png: 1080x944, 624 kb
So, yeah here's what's up. I'm pretty sure that I'm in an abusive relationship. I'm 23, and my girlfriend is 21.

We've been dating for over 4 years and have been on and off the entire time. We would always get back together the next day or the day after that and I don't know what to do.

I don't want to say she has me brainwashed, but we don't have much in common anymore. We've both changed so much since highschool and every time we've gotten back together, no matter who "ended it" she's always the one to come back the next day (with the exception of one time about a year ago, when I came back)

She has threatened to kill herself after I left but she said "I was crazy.. Im sorry I said that... I just needed to see you..."


Then other times after we broke up and I didn't come straight back like she expected me to shed get violent and blame me for this, that, and the other thing.

Say things like" you want other boys to fuck me?"

And things she knew would get under my skin.

When we argue every now and then if she didn't like my opinion she'd almost force me to change my mind. Whenever I point out what she's doing she'll say "you're making me feel bad" as a type of scape goat.

I've been hit, kicked, clawed at and pushed during these arguments and have NEVER hit back. She'd actually provoke me to but I would not.

Basically, I don't know what to do.

I don't know if I'm in this for the love or not anymore. I might just be in it for the routine and honestly I'd be scarred to leave and I don't know if I'd have the strength to do it, let alone if I really want to.

Things right now are pretty good, but lately it's been on my mind and hopefully anyone can help. Anything is appreciated. Thanks $

2 Name: somedude : 2016-08-03 02:26 ID:K7NqNfod [Del]

I'm not sure if this would help, and I'm not saying you should do this, but if you want to well.. This relationship, whats the point of being in it if all you are is unhappy and scarred and so is your partner. I think it would probably be best if you two discussed your feelings with one another honestly. Don't know if it would turn into another fight so maybe you should tell somebody you trust, family or friends, so some one can be by your side to support you if things go bad. If you truly love her and she loves you back, you could work something out. If not and your relationship doesn't change, you should break up with her if all it causes is pain for both of you. I hope it all turns out okay for you. I've never really experienced anything like this before or have that much knowledge about it, but I hope what I said helps.