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Memory problems (4)

1 Name: Haith : 2016-07-29 16:44 ID:c5wvlo0b [Del]

I'm not asking for advice. I just wanted to start with that so people knew.

So, I kind of forget shit but on a big scale. Like entire experiences, thoughts, and huge chunks of time. I can watch the same movie twice and sometimes not remember a single thing about it, or not remember that I just something. Numbers and names are obviously all instantly lost into oblivion and anything that my brain doesn't pay huge attention to is like it never existed.

This has happened for years, and it is to a point where I am 19 but can't remember anything before 15. I can get random images etc, but other than that, it's lost. I'm not exactly sure what is causing it. It could be something real, or it could just be me being really absent minded. Regardless, I hate it. I'm trying to become more social etc, but that's hard to do when you can't remember the names of anyone you met the night before (I've literally woken up next to a girl and couldn't remember her name and I don't drink).

Does anyone have anything similar?

2 Name: Zore Lee!NDD5HaAhTA : 2016-08-01 05:13 ID:TLyhfsA4 [Del]

I have had similar problems with memory. I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but there are times when I have literally forgotten something I was just told,

Mom: Can you call my phone?
Me: Yeah sure.
-Walks into my room-
-Sees my phone-
-Walks out-
Mom: Are you calling it?
Me: oh

And other times where I'd literally remember the script to entire movies I had seen years ago.

But on some kind of scale, I think I know what you're feeling. I've never actually gotten help for it (because the whole "call my phone" scenario is seriously not the only time that's happened, believe me) but hopefully you don't feel as alone.

and now because comedy is the best remedy,

If you haven't forgotten about making this post

[I'd recommend you pin the tab. If you use Chrome, right click and "pin tab"]

I hope that you see this and consider going to seek some kind of help. I'm going to do the same... eventually.

I do know that there is some kind of daily vitamin you can get at your local pharmacy.

B12 I believe the name if the vitamin is.

Either way, hope you see this, and good luck to ya mate.

3 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-08-01 07:13 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

My brain goes onto auto pilot 90% of the time, it only just started getting better.

- Went grocery shopping with parents while mum waited in the car. I go back to to ask her how many kilos of mince meat she wanted, "you want 2 right?" I first said. Then in clear, as in clear BABY language she told me and made me repeat she only wanted 1 kilo.

I don't remember this strangely enough, heck I don't even remember going back to the shop to tell dad that mum wanted 2 kilos....just 20 seconds after she told me.

Must be something in my diet.

4 Name: Frey : 2016-08-01 13:38 ID:Y1b580TE [Del]

>>2 Didn't know about the pin thing, and yes I had forgotten about this post. I started reading it and thought, this sounds like me, then checked the mine only to be surprised that it was mine...

I've thought about the vitamin thing and getting help, but anyone I talk to just shrugs it off saying "You're just not paying attention", so it's kind of hard accepting that I actually do have a problem that needs help.

I work at an airport at shops and I have to carry things from the storage room to the shop, but since I can't remember the names of the drinks and cigarettes long enough, I carry around a pen and paper, something I am constantly made fun for by all the other workers there (I'm just sharing this because you too shared one too), but thanks, knowing there are more really makes me feel better about it.