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Frustration about intimacy (2)

1 Name: Asmodeus' Chosen : 2016-07-29 04:10 ID:y26CqYBh [Del]

I've asked around, and I just don't know what to do. I'm stranded in a block I can't get through.

To give some light to the much needed answer of "what", I'm talking about intimacy. Intimacy in my life has been severely lacking. By which I mean, the little intimacy I have experienced, has been....a joke, to say the least. I was a tool, at best.

I've had issues with severe depression in the past, no so much now since I'm feeling much better, but this one problem persists.

I cannot accept intimacy. and I mean I CAN'T. I want to. I really, really, really, do. I want a girlfriend, I want love, kisses, hugs, cuddles, sex, all of it. but, I just can't.

A friend of mine says its because of residual effects from depression, which caused me to have an anxiety about what depression used to pick on me for, (which was, in fact, the lack of intimacy in my life) Now because of that, as much as I deeply desire all forms of intimacy, my mind just WON'T let me accept it.

I've hit the end of my rope with this. I can't fucking stand being lonely anymore. I really really can't. I'm losing my mind. And people around me don't get it, so they just make it worse. It's frustrating and maddening, and it makes me want to lose it.

A friend suggested I should just accept my problems and work through them, "hug them" so to speak, and make them feel better. the problem is that I can't solve issues that way. I battle things. I FIGHT. I do not accept. I fought depression, and I won. But this, I just don't know what to do about it. I can't accept anything intimate, even if it was handed to me, not that it ever will be.

I don't know what to do about this. I really, desperately need help. It's killing me. It's making me so miserable and lonely as all my other friends are so happy. I can't fucking stand it anymore. What can I do to pass this block?

2 Name: Akako : 2016-07-29 19:52 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

Just get professional help. Seriously. That just sounds like PTSD.