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I need advice (10)

1 Name: Anon : 2016-07-25 18:44 ID:+M5XcPkL [Del]

I'm having trouble being happy. My friends don't speak to me, my best friends doesnt have time for me. I'm all alone and that's what I hate most. I always blame myself. I feel like I'm nobody. All I can think of is killing myself.

2 Name: Fenin : 2016-07-25 18:50 ID:jqZ6HZzD [Del]

Don't think about it! Do some activity, do RP and speak with people in forums, make new friends...
I have time. I can speak with you.

3 Name: Anon : 2016-07-25 20:00 ID:+M5XcPkL [Del]

Idk what forums to go to. Or what websites to go to to talk to people. This is the only site I know.

4 Name: Anon : 2016-07-25 20:04 ID:+M5XcPkL [Del]

To be able to talk to somebody would be a welcome relief.

5 Name: Fenin : 2016-07-25 20:16 ID:jqZ6HZzD [Del]

My Dollars Gmail account is Feel Free to talk to me!

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Boop : 2016-07-26 01:58 ID:kk0Lywnp [Del]

Remember that you are amazing, your ancestry have survived for centuries making you alive today, you are ALIVE, you can think, you can feel, you can experience,you can do many things,you can always speak to a therapist if you need serious help

8 Name: Lainey : 2016-07-26 14:17 ID:cD3O4HTf [Del]

I know how you feel I've been in the same position. But there's got to be something you can do to help with this right? Killing yourself is never the answer to any problems no matter how bad they are. Even if you don't know or think, there's always someone out there that cares about you and if you're gone think of how the people that do care about you will feel, I personally have felt that pain about losing someone close to me from suicide and it feels so horrible. And from what I've heard you either need some new friends or you just need to talk to them about this especially your best friend. Ask them why they never have time for you and talk it out. But trust me the world isn't as bad as you think, there are some people with much much worse things going on in their lives than you (and I'm not saying that you're selfish).You can easily fix the situation that you're in. I asked my friends about why they never wanted to hang out with me and they gave an honest explanation they've been dealing with some stuff and didn't want to get me involved, you never know what's happening in someone else's life unless you ask them about it. My friend did feel bad and made it up to me too, although if this isn't your case then try something else like meeting new people and making new friends. I don't know how old you are so I don't know how easy it would be for you to make new friends. But even if it is difficult for you to make new friends you have this site right? We're all your friends on here so any time you need to talk you can always talk to any of us. But trust me I've been down the road of wanting to kill myself and I've even attempted it before but it's definitely not worth it your life means more than you think.

9 Name: Akako : 2016-07-26 16:00 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

Suicide is stupid. First off, in modern age its basically impossible for someone to actually be a burden to someone unless there are very special circumstances. Secondly, you should live just for the sake of finding something to live for - You will loose all of the opportunities to do that if you die. Even if you dont believe people around you care about you in the slightests, even if you feel like a burden to everyone around, you definitely dont want to miss your the only, single opportunity at life you are ever going to get.

10 Name: Anon : 2016-07-28 09:23 ID:+M5XcPkL [Del]

Thank you all