Dollars BBS | Personal
















My Stupid Brain (2)

1 Name: Untitled!cqg504BIKc : 2016-07-25 10:05 ID:Tz023aUH [Del]

I feel horrible and i don't know why
I have no reason to feel horrible
I just did what they said to do
But i feel like i did something bad
And asked for a favour to do something
And for some reason i am just overwhelmed with guilt
I have no reason to be
The people that i asked for favours are my friends
And they probably like my just the way i am
But i feel like i should changed into a more stern character
But i don't want to
If i become someone with power there will be more people who want to become the same
And therefore they would follow me to become the same thing
But i don't like being serious
Or normal
‘Normal’. such a dumb word.
But none the less if i do this i get responsibility
I guess i could ask be get a lower role
But i am on the server enough to help out
And i have been offered a role
And the people on the server think i should get one
But i don't know whether i should…
I feel like i deserve one but once i have one everything would be different
So i have no idea what i want to do
Deep down i also know that i'll forget about this ever happening
Yet my instinct is telling me this is a big change to everyone else it may as well be a new colour
It is like i am buying a new dress and i am afraid i'll have to change the way i act to suit the dress
Most likely at the end of the day people will just cause about the colour and not about how i act.

(sorry for laying it out funny i just don't like typing solid blocks of text)

I don't know if writing this out will make me feel better but i feel horrible. Chances are that this is just me overthinking something or someone pulling my leg and i accidently took it to close to heart.

2 Name: Fenin : 2016-07-25 18:58 ID:jqZ6HZzD [Del]

All of it sound to me like identity problems. Do you think it is?