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Studies (5)

1 Name: hope : 2016-07-25 08:43 ID:kCB9TE9D [Del]

Hi guys, i just want some advices, i'm now studying engeneering at university and i failed quiet all my exams, i'm gonna retry some which thing i could be able to pass on september and make this a seccond time, but i notices that on most of the lessons i have are not intresting to me and i just feel bored every time i have to study them, but the point is that i do not really know what i want to become... So i wonder what to do; retrying this thing which annoy me but is saied to be intresting from the 3rd year to the end, or just change to something else but by having absolutely no idea on what going?

thanks for advices and sorry for my english ^^'

2 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-07-25 09:35 ID:yJpQiwou [Del]

Doesn't your university have some flexibilities?
I tried to do the same thing with biology before. Lasted 2 semester.
Now I'm a psych addict. Felt like torture btw. Imagine being licked and drooled on by mutts when you're peacefully having an afternoon nap everytime you open your textbook.

3 Name: hope : 2016-07-25 09:49 ID:kCB9TE9D [Del]

and how did you know you wanted to do psych? you just tested it and liked it? you got adviced? you knowed you wanted to do it? cause for me, i choosed ingeneering "by default" cause i was quiet good in math and i didn't want to learn literar stuffs...

4 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-07-25 09:59 ID:yJpQiwou [Del]

My preferences were always in the arts department. Psychology is a mix of arts and science, so it was great because I was already enrolled in science (transferring to arts was pretty much impossible).
It wasn't my number one preference, but gradually I grew to like it.
Never came for advice from anyone. They'd basically tell you to try various things and just pick what you want. If I could do that, I would've been enrolled in arts instead of science.

5 Name: hope : 2016-07-25 10:54 ID:kCB9TE9D [Del]

ok ^^ thx for advice i'll try to figure out if i have another idea of studies or if i just keep going on even if i do not really enjoy it :)