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Moving somewhere where nobody knows you (11)

1 Name: Lionheart : 2016-07-22 06:39 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Lately, I've just been feeling like a burden to everyone. I'm probably overthinking it, but I really do feel that way. And my depression is only getting worse. I was thinking about saving enough money and moving to somewhere where nobody knows me. But instead of making friends, I intend to keep it that way. Nobody knows me, and I won't be a burden to anyone.

2 Name: anonymous : 2016-07-22 08:23 ID:SWVGj+yx [Del]

>>1 I've actually wanted to do this for a long time. The problem is where to go, and what to do? Have you thought about what you would do for money if you moved?
I think rather than not wanting to be a burden on anyone, do you think you would be able to find someone who you can rely on, and who will rely on you in return? I just don't think man was ever meant to be alone.

I would like to see your thoughts and opinions on this since I've also been considering doing this.

3 Name: Kuri : 2016-07-22 11:42 ID:fQyotc3Z [Del]

While I wasn't considering this exactly, it sounds like a very good idea to me. I'd probably get a job that wouldn't require me to come in contact with people or keep it to a minimum.

I've never been much of a social person, and have reduced my contact to other people to an amount near zero. To be honest, I'm feeling better than ever before. I'd like to keep this up and move somewhere no one knows me, change my contact info and live my life without any contact beyond a platonic "That'd be 2,50, sir".

I mean, there's even people who live totally on their own in some mountain forest, using what they find to survive. And from what's known to me, those people are pretty happy with their lives. So, I think man can be alone just fine. Most people just choose to live with others.

4 Name: Lionheart : 2016-07-22 20:37 ID:51XVv5Ue [Del]

>>2 Oh yeah I'll get a job and stuff like that. But as far as making close friends, or even acquantances, i'm going to avoid. I'll see how it goes I guess. Maybe in the next year or 2 I'll do it. Right now I meed to sort my life out. I'm an emotional mess.

5 Name: anonymous : 2016-07-23 10:06 ID:SWVGj+yx [Del]

>>4 Yeah you would need a job, but it will be pretty risky though because if something happens, or you lose your job you won't have anyone you know to help you. But yeah thinking about it for a while first is a good idea, because you don't want to make a rushed decision this important that you will regret and there also might still be some reason for you to stay where you are.

>>3 I guess it depends on your how you look at it, whether we can survive alone or not. Would you really be happy that isolated? Like, what would you even do? It just wouldn't feel like you're living anymore if it's literally just so that you don't die, because you won't have any interaction with people or internet/technology so it would become a very simple lifestyle. This is just my initial view on this, because I feel like there wouldn't be much point in doing something like that.

What I've wanted to do is be able to live life just as an observer. I don't want to be relied on or have to rely on people, like how op said. Despite not having an interest in anyone that I've met, I haven't given up on people yet, because if you find someone who you can get close to it just makes it all the more special and meaningful. So I guess I have a different motivation and perspective to you, despite wishing for a similar thing.

6 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-07-24 15:19 ID:vrT6h1I1 [Del]

I don't think you would be a burden. Besides, you should try to find some friends that care about you and want to hang around you, even if you get really depressed. If you try to isolate yourself, it gets really lonely.

7 Name: Lionheart : 2016-07-24 23:22 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>5 Well I would have my technology and stuff like that. And a stable job definitely comes first. I do have friends, but it's just that lately I feel as if I'm just bothering them even though they don't show it that I am bothering them. Basically, my life until almost 2 years ago has been pretty isolated with barely any friends. I could actually count the number of friends with my fingers. I would barely go out but I was pretty happy until I saw on the Internet that teenagers should go out and stuff, so that made me very sad. But then most of them drifted off and started doing their own thing. Then I made friends at my gym and now I have a bunch of friends and almost always go out on the weekends. But lately I have been thinking of going back to the isolated life. Maybe move for a few months to a year or two just to see which life I prefer more. Of course I would check back in every now and then, but no more than that. I don't know. My depression is just really getting to me lately.

8 Name: Hando : 2016-07-25 00:43 ID:m1q75/OK [Del]

Whoa...same here. But it's because I like to be alone. I just want to start a "New Game"

9 Name: anonymous : 2016-07-25 06:59 ID:SWVGj+yx [Del]

>>7 I was referring to what >>3 said about living in the mountains or something. It's not what either of us were thinking of though so it's not important.
I guess maybe part of it is that you don't have anyone who's truly a friend to you. There's a big difference between a "friend" and someone who you're actually really close to, so maybe it just feels too shallow and empty for you. I don't like to dismiss anything, so I live from the perspective that not everyone is the same and there are people out there who I can truly get close to and consider as a friend.

Also, don't feel compelled to do things the way the rest of the world does. You shouldn't go out and do things like that just because you're supposedly meant to. Maybe you need to figure out what it is that you really want, and what your intentions are behind what you're doing, if that makes sense. Just don't force anything.

I guess I better leave it at that for now, I don;t want to annoy you and you probably have a lot on your mind at the moment. I'll still be here though if you want to talk more. Or maybe I'm looking at this too differently to be able to help. Best of luck though ^^

10 Name: Lionheart : 2016-07-29 18:49 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>9 Don't worry. I like hearing this feedback from you guys. And yeah maybe I just haven't found anyone that I'm extremely close to or it could be that I am forcing myself to do things that I really don't want to. >>8 brings up a good point though. It is like starting a "New Game". Maybe that's what I really want. To reinvent myself.
Thanks guys. If anyone has anything else to add feel free to do so!

11 Name: Joker : 2016-08-01 05:05 ID:aSxlJqcP [Del]

It's like inverse cheers over here.
"When you want to go to some place where no one knows your name, and they are never glad you came. You want to go to the place where everyone has no idea of your name... dun dun dun da dun dun."