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What Should I Do? (5)

1 Name: Hadeez : 2016-07-21 19:28 ID:tqU47Yuv [Del]

Hello. It has been a long time since I last visited, but I have been living with a problem.

My jaw is disaligned and my mouth opens to the slightly to the right when I open it. I just got my braces off and the my mouth could open almost completely straight again.

I went to see a doctor anyway and they said there was nothing wrong with it. Apparently I have weak muscles on my right jaw side.

The very next day, I feel pain on that side. Not terrible pain, but still bothersome.
I also had some headaches that came and went.

I told my mom and said that there is nothing we can do about it as the doctor couldn't find anything wrong and I should've listened to the orthodontist when it came to my braces.

Does anyone know what is going on and if there is anything I can do?

2 Name: 中原 蓮 : 2016-07-21 19:45 ID:IewYt1dR [Del]

I have a similar problem that I developed after getting my braces off. I'd recommend going to your dentist for a second opinion.

3 Name: Hadeez : 2016-07-21 20:18 ID:tqU47Yuv [Del]

I told my orthodontist about it and he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he referred me to the doctor. I am wearing retainers now, though.

4 Name: 中原 蓮 : 2016-07-21 20:23 ID:IewYt1dR [Del]

Ask the dentist you go to for cleanings. They might provide some insight. My orthodontist said I just needed something to prevent my teeth from grinding at night while my dentist said that it might be TMD which requires surgery to fix. It doesn't hurt to ask more questions.

5 Name: Hadeez : 2016-07-21 20:38 ID:tqU47Yuv [Del]

Yeah, I will have to look up his number.

My doctor did say I grind my teeth, so I guess that is the (or one of the) cause of my pain.