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Lifestyle issues (4)

1 Name: K : 2016-07-19 09:46 ID:njgd5e++ [Del]

I'm a writer... Quit my full time to pursue this dream... But it's not going as well as I thought it would be. I wanted a balanced lifestyle with health and work and hobby but I find myself often forgetting to eat, sleep and miss out on my hobbies. When there is a deadline, all else can eat shit.

II think I need some help...

2 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-19 10:22 ID:yl3g79RQ [Del]

it seems you need to take a hiatus from writing, get a small part-time job to get you out of your current mindset and start eating right, 3 meals a day, or 5-6 smaller "snacks" through out, cut junkfood out,

deadlines happen, you've gotta anticipate and plan out your days so you can hit 'milestones'

what kind of help do you need? it seems that you know whats wrong, maybe talking to someone can help you gain a better perspective

3 Name: Fenin : 2016-07-19 14:07 ID:ys/8btZq [Del]

You can do a schedule. If the problem is that you forget to follow it, you can use alarms. For example, an alarm at 14:00 for the lunch, an alarm at 21:00 to dinner, etc.

4 Name: K : 2016-07-19 22:33 ID:njgd5e++ [Del]

I'm already using alarms for many things. The thing is how I often get stuck at writing and then I get swept away in it. I work better at night but I'm trying to change that to morning. I do have freelance jobs and I try to get out of the house to walk so that I don't coop myself up at home. Unfortunately my attempt to be healthy and all fails with my time management.

Every time I get into the trance like situation of writing without thinking the alarm goes off. I can't get anything decent done... I'm so lost as to how to do it. I can get it done and simply ignore the basic needs till I finish but it results in me always being sick. Or I could follow the alarms to get a schedule but it means I will compromise the quality of writing things...

I don't know if this is stress talking and all but mostly I feel comfortable knowing I'm not the only living thing struggling haha!!