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Awkward "like love" situation? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-18 14:24 ID:lyMtehsE [Del]

So, I recently got my first job. Of course there'd be something going on somehow, right? So everything with management and employees are changing. Everything is kind of a mad house with new hires, people leaving and stuff. I came in a little over a month ago, so I have seen a few newer people getting hired. One of my coworkers, let's call him Tyler, and I admitted we had a thing for each other. He teases me about a new hire, let's call him Leon, that I like him. The other day, Tyler tells me that Leon likes me. I haven't really worked with Leon much, so I don't know how to feel about that. Aside from that, there's an age issue. I am 16, Tyler is 23, and Leon is 20. Tyler has been friend-zoning me as well, so I'm like this huge jumbled mess of hormones and confusion. Anyway, any advice for this would be awesome, thank you!

2 Name: Ithaqhua !6CfFwUwo.6 : 2016-07-18 14:47 ID:fYnRk7bc [Del]

My tip: Don't start anything with either one. Else things will get even messier.

I mean, you like Tyler, Tyler is freindzoning you. Leon likes you, but you dunno about him, right? So, I'd say, take your time and consider carefully whether you want to start smth with Leon. Because this could easily turn into an even bigger mess and that could turn you workplace into a living hell.

Personally, I usually stay away from relationships at work or when friends try to "set smth up". It's more trouble than it's worth in my opinion. Especially at your young age.

3 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-18 19:16 ID:fWA8ZyXb [Del]

you're under the age of majority [ at least in my country you are]
pursuing a relationship with a 20 or 23 y.o can get them into trouble, so i'd suggest wait, date some one in your age range +/- 1-3 year gap, that way you can experience a relationship without any older guy projecting his experiences onto you.
>>2 has it right, work place relationships tend to always end up bad, what happens if you break up with either a month from now? it'll cause either one of you to need to find new employ ment.

hormones and confusion run rampant whilst you are in the throes of puberty and you need a straight head for a mature relationship.

4 Name: /Kida : 2016-07-18 20:30 ID:addbhGSc [Del]

-_- your like 16, yes, Tyler 23 and Leon 20, like >>2 said don't start anything with either one, because one you are under age, two why would any of the two ahhh, nevermind, scratching my head /-_-.

5 Name: Taegumi : 2016-07-19 04:17 ID:JiANXXUq [Del]

guys that much older than you are not worth it..... i say just move on and feel like the amazing grill you are by dating someone more you tempo... by tempo i mean age

6 Name: Ithaqhua !6CfFwUwo.6 : 2016-07-20 05:48 ID:rO92ukSW [Del]

I'm a doofus, totally forgot the legal aspect here. But yep, dating any one of them could end up in serious problems for them.

Like >>3 and >>5 mentioned, get a guy your age +/- 1-2 or 3 years. There's enough guys running around in your age-range and there should be one that fits the bill. Keep it up, the teenage years one hell of a fuzzy mess, but that'll be over before you know it XD