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A Letter To Yourself (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-16 08:32 ID:QQ1IF+kv [Del]

Let us be honest,
Life is pretty harsh. Since the first day you were born, people expect you to do great things when you grow up. For some reason, it's hard to be satisfied of who you are--to be comfortable in your own skin. There will always be someone more talented, intelligent, attractive, outgoing, popular, like-able, creative and the list goes on and on.

That's why, I'd like to to partake in this "challenge". Write a letter to yourself and tell yourself that you'll accept you as you. No matter what mistakes you've done or flaws you have.

--this is inspired by the anonymous letter thread.

2 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-07-16 10:30 ID:TXGoGPP+ [Del]

Dear Me.
Go to fucking sleep. Get motivated to do your shit. You should probably revise what you learned in the first half of the year. Read the books you wanted to read. Stop staying on the internet so late. And never forget, fuck them.
From Me.
Sincerely fuck them.

3 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-16 19:28 ID:+s1fTudx [Del]

Dear Isaiah,

You know what you want, and what you have to do to get it. You've been making great progress all your life to achieve your goals, especially in the last few months. The journey ahead may seem like an eternity, but when you reach me today and look back on the day you read this letter, it'll only feel like yesterday. Keep your chin up, and keep moving forward. Everyone will be very proud of you and your success.


You in ten years.

4 Name: Tree is me !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-07-16 21:23 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

Dear me.

Your memory sucks butt! You don't even know what you did yesterday! You don't know when you started your most recent job! When someone asks you for a favor, you somehow forget all about it a few minutes later and end up not doing it! You keep forgetting to keep in contact with the people you know/ have met! You might consider them friends, but if you never talk to them do you seriously think that they'll consider you as a friend?!?!?!?!? How?! You never leave the house unless it's for your work or your religious meetings! And if you want to make friends with the people in these places you're supposed to talk to them you Idiot! Hang out with them you Idiot! What are you living your life for??? Are you seriously just waiting to die?! You just recently got diagnosed with a disease that many people would consider as something that ruined their entire lives and dreams, but you-... You just brushed it off to the side as if it's not important because you thought your life sucked anyway! This is just another part of you that you just don't care about anymore! You're a peesimistic piece of crap aren't you! You can't wait to die,huh!

Huh? What?... What was that?

You're telling me that even though all this is happening to you? you, you don't want to die? You have... hope? In what?
Because you believe in God? Your saying because the bible states that all lives belong to God you don't want to hurt his feelings by taking your own? He promises to end all suffering in the future you say? So you're going to live your life for a being that many think is fictional?! One that they think may or may not exist? For some words written in a book??? Your actually serious???? What, you're crazy!
There's also a girl? You like someone? You want to find out if she likes you back? Ha! Hahahaha!!!! It's obviously going to be a no! Why would anyone want to date an emotional pessimistic bag of-
SHUT UP! I may think Pessimistic thoughts a lot, every single day too, Mind! But! You are not going to convince to ruin my life anymore than it already is! I know I think these thoughts every single day, it's annoying and it brings me down too, but! It lets me be realistic! Reasonable! It lets me think for myself! And I know that I like thinking that my life sucks, a lot, but I have hope! Yes, Me! Believe it or not me, but I actually do believe in god! And I do like this girl! You can tell me all you want that it's not gonna work out, but I don't give up! I will never know for sure unless I try! And I will try! I will live my life until it ends on its own even if it doesn't get better! I want to make it to the end. I'm trying to change into a more realistic optimistic person, but you keep getting in the way of yourself, me! Just stop with all this negativity and fix it already! It's hard< but it's not impossible! I will change, because, I hate the you you are right now! I will change! I will also respect you, me! Because if it wasn't for you (as well as the bible), I wouldn't even be trying to change! Be thankful to yourself that your realizing this now instead of living your entire life not knowing it! Good luck and I hope it works out for you! Yes, I'm talking about me! :)

Sincerely, a changing Tree

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-17 01:49 ID:vfV28O9b [Del]

Dear Me,

You need to stop looking for other's approval so much! Remember those times when you knew you had the correct answer, but still felt the need to ask someone if it was correct? Also, stop being a fake. You always pretend to be clueless and clumsy when you know you aren't. When you are about to drop your stuff, or bump into something, rather than avoid the predicament, it's almost like you just observe yourself fail. You also need to quit being so half-hearted! There are so many empty promises that you made, and things you started but never finished. When you do something, finish it! As for the fake part, here's another thing, quit pretending that you aren't confident of your actions. You know that you actually feel so confident in the things you accomplish that it's bordering on narcissistic. But rather than tell others the truth, you've always lied and stated that you thought it was terrible. You've lived that lie so long, you're not even sure if you can tell the truth anymore, and scared to see the reactions if you do. Sometimes, I think you even believe it. That you've made the lie a part of yourself. You also see things in others that you admire, and take it for yourself. You imitate others in a sloppy careless way. When you see someone with a quirk you find interesting, you take it for yourself. If you see someone with a talent that you like, you get better at it then they are. But then you quickly lose interest afterwards. You are just a competitive copycat. The only reason you still continue in your hobbies, is because you don't believe you're good enough to quit yet. DISGUSTING. You hear me? That kind of thing is DISGUSTING. You aren't even you anymore, you've taken apart everything that was you, and replaced it with pieces of others you've met, so much that only you know it's all a lie. That is, if you bother to acknowledge it. I see you always trying to involve yourself in some distracting activity, because you know that if you were to just sit and think, you'd go mad. Finally, I know that you aren't going to even try to change because that is the kind of lazy person you are, and because you somewhat believe that you're better off this way, as well as everyone thinking there is something wrong with you and trying fix you if you do.

P.S. I also know every statement in the last sentence except the first one was a lie, because you always try to stupidly excuse yourself from taking any blame for the situation and don't want guilt.

P.P.S. Even so, I know you won't do a thing about it. You realize all these bad things about yourself, but you won't do anything about it. You will just delude yourself in happy memories created by falsities. You don't even understand that last sentence. Well, you half understand.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-18 03:08 ID:QQ1IF+kv [Del]

Dear Me,

I know that you constantly feel as if the world is a huge catastrophe. Everyday you wish that your life could just end somehow and you could be reborn in some other better life. Then again, you'll feel afraid of dying because you're a coward and a sinner. You wanted to embrace it but you're afraid of it.

But one thing you should know, death is not the answer. You keep yelling at yourself because you thought you were weak. You're not satisfied of yourself and yes, you shouldn't be. You should crave to improve yourself. However, stop making every single thing stressful. Life could be great, somehow.

Stop looking through your cynical pessimistic eyes and try to look at the bright side once a while. Don't be a jerk just because you feel like your life's shit. It's okay to be weak sometimes, it's okay to be vulnerable. You don't have to put up that wall all the time and distance yourself from others.

Now, I hope you can somehow look at the mirror and see someone you love. Someone that'll be successful and happy. It's okay, you have the power. I know you can do it.

Life is not as bad as you think.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-20 23:36 ID:QQ1IF+kv [Del]

Dear Me,

You'll have to go back to school soon. Good luck, get good grades. Fuck those who doesn't like you or just around because they think you're smart. Make sure they'll be proud of you, k?

Good luck I swear you'll need it