Dollars BBS | Personal
















piercing fundraiser (8)

1 Name: Hikari Takamiya : 2016-07-15 22:05 ID:SQ4ql73r [Del]

hi guys i just wanted you to help me raise money for a piercing for dance.
details are in the link

2 Name: Kitana : 2016-07-17 01:56 ID:vfV28O9b [Del]

I recommend deleting this, and posting it on the missions part of the site under main. It will most likely get more attention there, but I'm not entirely sure you will get a lot of funding for that cause...

3 Name: Sage Police (jk I wish) : 2016-07-17 04:46 ID:BmTXNSOq [Del]

Please delete this.

4 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-17 10:36 ID:Hm6dCyoy [Del]

>>2 it could be put under missions, but since this is a "singular person" mission, it really rather doesnt belong as the missions board is about >"Making the world a better place, one mission at a time."
>>3 who are you? you seem new, OP requested help on personal, its a good place for it, and its up to members to decide for themselves weather or not to support him/her. at least the person is transparent with the goal and isnt trying to bamboozle people into a scam.
nice try, but think stuff through before you post.
please delete your comment>>3

5 Name: Kitana : 2016-07-17 22:09 ID:vfV28O9b [Del]

>>4 I guess that makes sense... to be honest I am actually new to the site as well, I just discovered it yesterday actually... sorry if I still don't completely grasp the mechanics of this website. Thanks for explaining though!

6 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-17 22:24 ID:6WGsXMNc [Del]

No worries kitana, everyone has to start somewhere, if I could direct you to the aboutsection, it's a good place to start, as well as reading the section headers to get the gist of what goes where, also there is a 'sage' box above the reply box, this prevents the thread from floating to the top.
Sorry for derailing thread OP.

7 Name: Kitana : 2016-07-18 10:03 ID:vfV28O9b [Del]

Thanks for the info! Also, I wasn't entirely sure what the sage was for so thanks for that!

8 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-07-19 10:23 ID:IjUzLjrq [Del]

No worries, we have a thread for this sort of thing over on Missions:

Most users here can't afford donating much, but good luck anyway ^^