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Lonely? (6)

1 Name: Miharu : 2016-07-08 18:15 ID:wDQ8i+ju [Del]

I am in-love with my best friend.. Or so I think. We have been speaking day & night for the past month and a half now, but we've been talking for about 4 years on a semi-regular basis.. Problem is, we are usually apart (from different cities) and currently, too far apart as I am temporary in a different country.. Plus, I don't know whether she likes me or not... I mean, I am not always the one to message first and she seems to be enjoying our talks... We talk about personal things too, occasionally & we share a lot..

Currently I don't have access to my facebook and even the thought of being unable to reach her is ripping me to shreds... I shared this here to ask for advice.. Should I confess to her or should I let myself be muted by the risks of losing our friendship..

2 Name: Kanamiyu : 2016-07-08 19:22 ID:j9HoX9ve [Del]

I have been in the same position,and I told my best friend and that didn't change anything. My advice is to make sure your friend can handle you telling them that. For me i wasn't sure if I was in love or just wanted to get to know them better,so make sure they can understand and still be there for you and tell them if you aren't sure you love them. Most of all,don't mute yourself,if you can't tell your friend tell someone else close to you,it really helps.

3 Name: Miharu : 2016-07-08 22:22 ID:wDQ8i+ju [Del]

I really do hope that by telling her, I wont repel her, but the thing is, as I said, we are from different towns and her repelling away from me is the easiest thing possible if she feels any sort of discomfort which might follow a confession. A block on facebook, a block on skype, a block on her mobile phone. Three button presses. I know her, I trust her and while she might not consider me her best friend, she for sure considers me a close one. Close enough to share with.. And knowing her, she probably wouldn't do something like blocking me, but conversations that would follow could be... Awkward? I will be unable to contact her for 3 whole days so I must strengthen my resolve until then... I really like her & am ready to travel towns weekly to see her. I'll even get a part-time job to do make myself able to do that, if it's necessary...

4 Name: ririkun : 2016-07-09 18:57 ID:1yGCE8cH [Del]

If you are truly sure about your feelings then confess. It will take a huge load off your chest. If she rejects you, that means that you can move on with your life. If she accepts, you can choose to go along with your initial plan of getting a job and all that. Although, if you are not sure about your feelings about her, don't. If you're wavering then it's probably because your heart knows she's not actually the one. But, I cheer for you. Think carefully and choose how your life will turn out.

5 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2016-07-10 22:58 ID:cfBVrN60 [Del]

Don't start a long distance for reasons of just reasons... Long distance is hard, you will put strain on each other that otherwise would be undue.

You have very little ways to communicate as you mentioned... Relax save money be a man first. No woman needs a man who can't stand yet, save money yet... and even if you are willing to see her..

No offense but you are comming out as a tad desperate about this. Be a man someone to go after. Enjoy company with each other.. She isn't someone to go after yet, if she hasn't made anything of herself yet, you are just wasting your youth. Confess your feelings? You have no way of actually showing a side of you that can be significant. Starting from distance when there is so much uncertainty especially when there is no evidence of growth of the relationship, infact a reduction in potential communication...

I advice take time relax breathe and enjoy what you have, later if you happen to be in the same place, then you can do something.

6 Name: Miharu : 2016-07-11 15:57 ID:pfuu9bGe [Del]

>>5 Money is not a problem when it comes to me and my work.. I have more than enough to go and see her every day of the week for the year and still have something aside, plus, I can work while I don't work either.. But I understand your points & decided not to pursue it just yet. I will let her have her breathing space while we continue to communicate as we always would in a non-suffocating manner. To make something more out of myself is more important at this point. I am just 19, so I have plenty of room to improve the value of my existence.