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Help (4)

1 Name: sawakonotsadako1412 : 2016-07-07 14:06 ID:fn3h6qiI [Del]

I've had Trichotillomania since I was 11 (I'm 15 rn) but I still can't control it and my hair's density keeps decreasing I need your help guys, this got me into loads of trouble with my mother who isn't really an understanding person. I keep suffering, I never had any suicidal thoughts or depression but I'm constantly ashamed of my condotion. I hate myself so much for not being able to control my hand from going to my hair so I thought that maybe you guys could help me out.

Thank you in advance and sorry for taking your time and making you read this hole text.

Excuse my bad English.

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-07-07 21:57 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

Try picking up a more harmless habit to keep your hand occupied, like flipping a stick between your fingers, or picking up a "worry stone" off the ground.

3 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-07 23:06 ID:+s1fTudx [Del]

I can honestly relate. I've had Trichotillomania for eight years now. There was a time two years ago when I had it under control, but then I guess it came back in full force after my girlfriend broke up with me. The best thing I can suggest is to keep your mind occupied so that you're not thinking about your hands. Most people with Trichotillomania only pull their hair out with one hand. With me, it's my left hand, and that is often harder to keep occupied unless you're a natural leftie. But if you're not even thinking about your hand, it can help you ease into control better.

I hope this helps, and I hope I can find some additional help here as well.

4 Name: kingbird : 2016-07-08 23:17 ID:MBGZGNwY [Del]

Why not try and find a Bobbie that u can get into it. 😶