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Same gender relationship - mom doesn't approve - how do I tell (6)

1 Name: Romantic.Fantasies : 2016-07-06 18:35 ID:sjJMm85q [Del]

So long story to short, I've had a crush on a friend for a long ass time and we ended up confessing to eachothers so we are together. Her moms are fine with it, but my mom isn't too happy about same same gender relationships. So how the hell do I tell my mom without her going batshit insane?

2 Name: Tarquin : 2016-07-06 18:48 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

I had to do something similar. I say you should sit down with her and tell her how you feel and be honest with her. It takes a while for some people before they're ready to tell their parents that, so I say only do it when your comfortable with it.

3 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-07-06 19:06 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

Wait, so is your SO same gender as you, or is it that your mom will dislike Her moms. Anyways, I don't know how strict your mom is. My parents are pretty lenient. But my advice is never date anyone behind your parents backs, that's just not nice. Parents don't like their kids hiding secrets, atleast mine wouldn't, it makes them feel like failures because you don't go seek them for advice before doing something risky. My advice would have been to drop hints to your mom before you started dating so that she could slowly realize and accept who you are, or who your friends moms are (again I don't know which relationship specifically you are talking about).I'm thinking you're talking about your relationship so... If it was done before you started dating It would be questions like, " hey Mom, did you know that so and so's parents are both women? what do you think about that?" or " Hey mom, if I ever did something like that, what would be your reaction?" and then say "guess what? well I am that kind of person too!" Say it in a sarcastic-ish tone to see how she actually reacts. If she's not as offended as you were expecting, then tell her it's true. Then tell her you like so and so... But... you're already dating so and so, and I just don't know what to tell you. You can still try this, but the fact that you didn't consult your parents first before dating anyone is already a different issue in of itself and that will make this harder I believe. (I have personal opinions about same-gender relationships like your mom too, but as long as it's not me doing the thing, I will respect the other person's personal views in life even if it were my own kids [i have none by the way though]). Well, maybe someone else has better advice. I hope you can work this out with you mom somehow in a way that neither of the two of you get offended.

4 Name: emiri : 2016-07-06 21:13 ID:ul42HqUG [Del]

Congrats! A very important thing is to make sure you're safe first and foremost. If you are then by all means sit and have a talk with your mom and just give her time but if safety is a concern I would wait until you are safe. Obviously I have no idea, you could be fine. As long as your happy then who cares about her option.

5 Name: Tarquin : 2016-07-07 11:31 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

>>3 Hey Tree, this is going off topic for the thread but would you mind emailing me at some point? Wanted to get a hold of you.

6 Post deleted by user.