Dollars BBS | Personal
















Helping a friend (5)

1 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 11:14 ID:PehqTSR+ [Del]

This girl goes to a different school than me and has been repeatedly bullied and harassed for 5 years by the same girl. She has sent me messages asking what she should do numerous times and I don't know what to do other than ask for the dollars help. This girl points her out to the entire school calling her a slut and a whore and writes terrible things on her locker even though she is nothing but nice to anyone she meets. I am asking you to help me do something about it. Any advice as to what to do would be great but I also would like to start something to make sure that she stops bullying people because it isn't right and it's just sick. I would like to just have a lot of dollars member send her a message about what bullying can do to a person and that it is wrong I will leave the bullies social media I go down below. In no way am I asking you guys to hack this person or bully her back even though she definitely deserves it, I'm just asking that we show her what she's doing is wrong.
soccer_chic_15 this is the bullies Instagram account.
If you could get the message a crossed to her or give me advice for my friend it would be appreciated. Dollars for Life
(And just a disclaimer this is my first post so if I did something wrong politely let me know in the comments) thanks
(Also before someone tells me I did out this in the missions category as well)

2 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 11:41 ID:PehqTSR+ [Del]

I sent this to the bully to get the message started help me to stop this. If you want.

3 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 11:43 ID:PehqTSR+ [Del]

Post here if you helped my friend thank you to all that do. Dollar family

Bullying is a crime it is invisible to some and to others it is all the more obvious. In your case it is now obvious, we know what you have done and possibly are still doing. I strongly encourage you to act kindly toward others and get to know people personally before speaking against them. Because if you judge someone someone and talk behind their back it can come back to haunt you. But if you apologize to anyone you have picked on or ridiculed you will be forgiven.

4 Name: Ichigo : 2016-07-06 12:24 ID:PehqTSR+ [Del]

If you participate try not to leave any trails back to the dollars for it could spell trouble for us. I personally have an account for this sort of thing that leads back to a random email and that's it. Help is appreciated though. You are stronger than you think.

5 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-06 12:30 ID:hpF6fmYw [Del]

You can still be traced by your IP address, though.