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A little advice? (6)

1 Name: Isoibhan : 2016-07-05 14:47 ID:sAv/EPDT [Del]

I have crippling social anxiety and was hoping someone could post advice/experience?

I'm having more and more trouble forcing mysef into school, and am paranoid that everyone is talking badly about me, and can't talk louder than a whisper when talking to my classmates, that then don't hear me or ignore me.

Please, anyone?

2 Name: Ruuko !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-07-05 15:47 ID:Op8k6co+ [Del]

DonĀ“t worry,im sure that your problem had a solution! Nothing is forever,and the problems arent the exception. Im gonna be here to help you with all i can do.

3 Name: Ruuko !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-07-05 16:24 ID:Op8k6co+ [Del]

Firts of all,have you told your problem to someone close to you ?(Friends,Relatives..)

4 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-05 19:09 ID:+s1fTudx [Del]

Social anxiety can be overcome by taking risks, but with baby steps. Find something that's in your wheelhouse (ex. if you're into politics, join student government) that involves people. Then you'll have the subject down, and can focus on socializing with people who have similar interests and/or experiences.

As for people talking bad about you, that happens everywhere. But again, if you take those risks, you'll give people more positive things to talk about.

Good luck, kick ass, and take names.

5 Name: Ruuko !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-07-06 04:01 ID:Op8k6co+ [Del]

I know that sometimes its really difficult but,try to think positively. I think that your classmates doesnt ignore you,they just havent hear you.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-07-06 04:54 ID:3VaunVF2 [Del]

Easy way to get rid of, think nothing of their opinion and do what you want.

The harder more proper way, is to talk to someone more professional. Yeah, I know it's kinda counter-intuitive talking to someone to fix your problem of not being able to talk to people, but the internet won't help you buddy.