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Do I end the friendship or what? (2)

1 Name: ThatCocoaCat : 2016-06-26 09:00 ID:sjgixB7P [Del]

I may not have been on here for a long time but things have been busy. A lot has happened and been fixed but there are things that...something has to give.

Over the last few months. I have seena groupd of people I associate with change. At first it wasn't a big deal. We had our moments but they got sorted out. Someone brought in a person who is basically a shit stirrer with me. She's perfectly nice to everyone else so they don't see the issue here. This girl has said a lot of things like I should've ended up dead like Harambe the gorilla and basically says I have all these problems i don't have. The first time i tried to sort it out with this person and supposedly it all worked out but the girl immediately started doing what she always does.

Now I have a "friend" who just started randomly messaging me about said person and asking why i don't like her and why i happened to be watching youtube while they talked to my sis. When i gave a straight answer i got told i was lying and nothing i said worked and i began to panic and broke down. She thought i was on youtube cause the person/shit stirrer was talking as well when i was really just watching youtube. I don't know why i wasn't asked to turn it down if it was too loud because i honestly would have done so if asked. All this because i don't wanna talk when the shit stirrer is around because i remove myself from the situation or just don't talk much. I'm uncomfortable with her around so i just do what makes me feel at ease since standing up for myself led to all kinds of bullshit.

No one is taking the time to see what the other person is doing to cause an issue so it's all really my problem i guess. I tried explaining things the best i could and i'm still at fault for some reason. It's like my "friend" is blind to all my reason and she claims she's not picking sides but she basically just defends the shit stirrer every turn. Are they even a friend to begin with? If not, where do i go from here? If so, what is there to be done?

2 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-26 09:35 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

I think that you should definitely think about your next move carefully, even if you agree with whatever we tell you (which don't worry I do have advice to give). The main problem is that this person who has come into your little group of friends does nothing but start shit and your friends don't believe you. First off, I say those "friends" of yours shouldn't immediately shoot you down without knowing what the hell their talking about. I have two main solutions for you...

1.) Start hanging out with ONLY the people in the group that you like and don't do stuff with the girl unless you have to. You shouldn't be changing friends just because of 1 person.

2.) Now this will sound like it clashes with the last sentence of the first one but let me explain, it doesn't. My second solution for you is that if your friends are really feeling like they need to take sides over something like this, then you may want to consider hanging out with another group of people more. I'm a firm believer in that relationships (whether love or friend relationships) have trust involved. If your friend flat out calls you a liar when you tell her exactly what the problem is then that's plain ignorant.

I hope these helped somewhat. I wish you the best of luck.