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Unsure (12)

1 Name: Azael : 2016-06-24 22:53 ID:oL/+0rwd [Del]

So Me and my gf have been together for around 9 months now. I knew that even before we got together that she cut. In the begining i never really cared. But as time passed I began to care. I wanted her to stop. She promised she wouldn't cut again. About a month later she broke that promise. Each time she said she wouldn't do it again. It's happened about six more times since then.
Also earlier maybe around month 5 I saw her texting another guy. I just glipsed the conversation but what I read was (in this order but missing messages in between) 'how can you love a guy you dont even know?' And 'but im just another stupid boy *insert emojis here*. Also around a month ago there were things being said by her closest friend about her texting other guys that she loves them.
Just today I found out that she cut again over summer break. (She can only text on the weekends).
So these two things along with other minor things not worth mentioning really get me depressed. I start feeling unimportant and that she dosent actually love me. What do I do? I may be seeing her again soon.

2 Name: Gaten : 2016-06-25 02:40 ID:NBLTecZh [Del]

Hahaha use your brain man its pretty obvious Girls or womans tend to play mindgames with Boy more often then you thought look up youtube and search mgtow and Listen about it may it will help you ah btw end the relationship shes about to take control over it seems your a nice guy? Yea sadly they never have much luck just end this mess and go your way

3 Name: Manga Owl : 2016-06-25 09:01 ID:jP8p6Anv [Del]

Umm in my opinion, if she cut herself then she does it for a reason, maybe you could sit down and have a talk with her and tell her that you want her to stop it because you care about her, maybe ask her to seek professional help? If you're also worried about her seeing other guys, honestly just confront her.
She probably can't just stop cutting because you asked her too, she probably has a reason why she started it in the first place. If you really cared about her, please let her know that you do, and let her know that if she's going through anything, she can come to you for help instead of cutting and going off with other guys.
If, after you confront her, she still doesn't stop texting other guys, then maybe your relationship isn't as healthy and full of honesty and trust as it should be.
If she does need help, however, don't leave her alone when she needs you.
All in all, just fix your communication.

4 Name: Azael : 2016-06-25 13:26 ID:oL/+0rwd [Del]

I've tried those things (related to cutting), and she hasn't stopped. She doesn't come to me until after she cut and sometimes she doesn't even do that and tries to hide it. I've tried talking to her and telling her I cared. I doesn't help.

5 Name: Tatsu : 2016-06-25 14:07 ID:xVe/wEsE [Del]

You should get her help, I know you've tried to do that but has she gotten help from her family/friends? She should try to talk to a professional(idk what its called, but someone to talk about what she's feeling and thinking about). You've already tried to help her all you can, don't feel guilty. And have you brought up seeing her texting other guys? If not i think you should wait a little, since that would probably make matters worse. If this still doesn't work i think you should probably go separate ways, all this will only make you even more depressed in the end and that isn't healthy. As i said before don't feel guilty, you've already tried everything you could and already showed that you care. But this is just what i would do, if you really love her then i know it may be a lot harder to do this but i hope this helps. :/

6 Name: Manga Owl : 2016-06-25 14:53 ID:jP8p6Anv [Del]

I agree with >>5, you should try to convince her to get professional help. As for her texting other guys... if you're trying to be there for her through whatever she's going through, make sure she knows that, and that she doesn't need anyone else to make her feel loved. A confrontation is going to take place sooner or later anyway. I hope things work out for you two :)

7 Name: Kit : 2016-06-27 00:24 ID:Eo8WuxnB [Del]

Help her, be there for her, tell her to open up and trust you slowly, tell her you want to protect her.
You can try and get her to see "professionals", but they'll just give her medication she doesn't need. She needs to talk to you with trust, knowing one day her pains can stop and she can be happy.
That's the thing, the only way to get rid of depression is Happiness. She needs to be happy, you have to give her reasons to be happy and give her some form of memories where she can always smile upon.
She needs to learn to Enjoy the Little things, and she can start that by experience those small moments of joy and love through you.
This is coming from someone who is born with depression in their bloodline, you just need to be there for her, and make happy. But not just her, but you too.
Remember that.

8 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-06-27 01:09 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

9 Name: Kuronaii : 2016-06-27 21:15 ID:6Aizpt/m [Del]

get her professional help. I know its hard but taking everythign onto yourself can be toxic and harming to you. Also if she is telling other guys she loves them and thats not okay with u you need to get her professional help because then you wont be stuck as her only life line or dependant on you if u need to end the romantic part of your relationship. I think you should reach out and be there for her but also be frank and talk directly to her about the acusations and what this means for the two of you, and if youd like to give her another chance thats fine but if the i love u texts continue then tell her you wont be able to continue a romantic relationship with her set up that boundary. If she chooses to continue flirting with other people after youve made it clear thats not okay with u then that is her fault not yours. but again that being said i would still help her get professional help and be there to support regardless. What she does is not your fault do not blame yourself or get your self trapped in over your head. you cant help anyone if by pulling them up you drown.

10 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-06-27 22:32 ID:ySLaPoCj [Del]

I think the best thing you can do is just be as caring as you can. If things don't work out relationship wise, then move on. I know it's hard, but just hang in there.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2016-06-28 09:03 ID:xVe/wEsE [Del]

Man, just dump her. To me it sounds like she's using suicide/cutting herself as an excuse to cheat on you. C'mon she's blatantly ignoring you and doesn't seem like she wants actual help or will listen to anyone. She'll drag you into a shithole will you. Plus you've only been dating for 9 months, maybe she's been doing this even before you've started dating her.But then again have you showed her that you care? If you haven't then go do it. If you have, then she's a lost cause. Leave her before she starts saying things like 'if you don't do this for me i'll kill myself' or 'if you leave me i'll cut myself'. If she still doesn't quit it then just let her be, we already have enough dumbasses on this planet.

12 Name: Shigetora : 2016-06-28 22:44 ID:VJ2jzZlq [Del]

I just got out of a somewhat similar situation. She's dragging you down. And making you worry so much. And the good action to do is dump her, but your conscious wont allow you too break it with her until you make sure shes safe.

Something like that...? Right?

Heres what I did in my situation. I built her confidence up every day by making sure she knew how beautiful of a person she was. And I let her win every fight (with a huge struggle on my end by playing defensive). And I encouraged her to chase every goal she had at the time. L m a o. Boi did it take a long time for her to get a little bit of confidence in herself. Then. I broke it. And she fell apart instantly. And she hated me after it too.

The hate drove up more confidence somehow. And although she was talking about me behind my back after the breakup, and she was messing with me subtly. I was glad, because she looked much happier on her own than when I found her.

Maybe that'll help you out man. Good luck.