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Should We Still Be Friends? (6)

1 Name: Kuudere : 2016-06-19 03:51 ID:y/jIHVIH [Del]

So, this happened just now. I'm a big procrastinator, and I have a history task due tomorrow. I was going to start a few hours ago, but lately I've been pulling a lot of all-nighters so i fell asleep. When i woke up, i found that my friend (shes in my group) spammed every social media i had and was swearing at me because i haven't finished and its due tomorrow. i told her to chill because assessments are over so the task doesn't count towards our reports, and she kept swearing about it. My friend from primary school then intervened on Skype. She tried to solve the problem, but my friend kept quitting the group. It was (kind of) working when she suddenly said this on skype:

"If A(me) wont do it then I'll tell the teacher and blame it on her. if we fail its all your fault, and S (the other girl in my group who obsesses over grades) will agree. You'll get in trouble from the teacher and its none of our business, A"

i know its my fault because i procrastinate a lot, but she just threatened me on social media! I'm gonna do the thing now, but this is what i want to ask; should i still be friends with her when she threatened me like that?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-06-19 05:59 ID:kzaU27Fx [Del]

Yes or no. It's all literally your fault, so you either make up for it, or suffer their punishment.

3 Name: Tatsu : 2016-06-19 06:07 ID:xVe/wEsE [Del]

In my opinion i don't think its good to have that type of person as a friend, they don't sound like a good one. Friends are more of a 'i got your back' thing, your friend seems like more of a 'I'll throw you under the bus' type of person.

But you did procrastinate, its normal for someone to be upset about that, I can tell why she might be upset because she relied on you and you kind of let him/her/them down, but spamming and threatening you is another thing.

4 Name: Nai : 2016-06-19 06:56 ID:Bb7dnDqR [Del]

I agree with Tatsu. You generally become what you are from those around you. You may have pushed off the assignment till the last day but going as far as to threaten you is something bigger. Had it been me, sure I would have pestered on why you didn't do it, but never back stab you in that kind of way. The choice is yours to stay friends but take into consideration who they are, what they're like, and how it could it could've been handled. Talk to them and tell them how it made you feel. Make your choice from there.

5 Name: fumiko : 2016-06-19 15:11 ID:N0aono9j [Del]

I feel like both parties are at fault in some way, but you already acknowledged that you procrastinated. For me, if someone is really my friend, I would choose to confront them personally rather than exposing the situation on social media. That's not really an appropriate place to share personal conflicts unless you are looking for a reaction from either the target or the audience.

For you: if you know you procrastinate, then you should make sacrifices to make up for this habit. However, everyone is human and can't be expected to perform at their top-level all of the time, so your friend should have been understanding (if they are your friend) that this was one of your more "human" moments instead of being so willing to throw you under the bus Not only in front of your peers on social media, but also in front of your teacher (if she follows through with that).

For a project that doesn't really count towards your grade, I feel like she acted pretty irrationally. Maybe there is something else going on in her life and she took this as a chance to vent her frustration.?

6 Name: Kuudere : 2016-06-20 22:08 ID:Ae6ABoKy [Del]

Thanks for the advice. I'm ignoring her now, but whenever S asks about me (apart from the grade obsession she's the kindest one in the group) the "friend" keeps on saying she was only "reminding me about homework" and that I was the one at fault. The friend says it in a way that makes her think I'm the only one that wrong and she's right too. How can I tell S that it was the "friend's" fault (for telling lies), not mine? Also is it true that in certain countries if you threaten someone they can sue you and get money for "mental damage" or something? If it's true I'm not gonna actually sue her or anything, I'm just asking.