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Who makes a move? (22)

1 Name: Ruppo : 2016-06-19 01:44 ID:PiC1MmkF [Del]

Hello, just asking a question. So as far as any relationship you have encountered, does the guy mostly initiates the "move" for a relationship to be established or is it the other way around (female)? Oh, and I meant a romantic relationship btw. :)

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-06-19 06:01 ID:kzaU27Fx [Del]

And I thought you were talking about Yu Gi Oh

3 Name: Tree is serious !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-06-19 09:22 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

Either. whoever goes first is risking it, but either can do it. I'm a guy, I've been rejected many a time, but also have a rejected a few as well. It doesn't really matter which gender makes the first move. If the person is interested in you or not, they'll let you know if you ask.

4 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-19 09:35 ID:kd3MN3FJ [Del]

Pieface, could have answered the question.
This day and age, it depends on where you are in the world, most western cultures have 'evolved' to the point where it's acceptable for either gender to approach first, be blunt, but not too pushy about it. the reason i say 'be blunt' is so that you are straight-forward, and dont miscommunicate anything, i.e asking to 'go out' is ambiguous, is it to a restaurant, the park, somewhere else? that wont work, and you've succeeded in confusing the person, try " would you be my girl/boyfriend". that carries your intentions across with no misunderstandings.

5 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-06-19 12:48 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

It's very often the guy who initiates the relationship. And when in the relationship the guy will find it nice if you can take the initiative sometimes. They like to see the girl independent....most of them.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-06-20 03:13 ID:zPc+10rH [Del]

>>4 Answer a question properly? What are you? A good guy?
Also, the correct answer is for neither side to ever say anything and just let this teenage crush sink to the bottom of the Marina Trench.

7 Name: namrooD : 2016-06-20 07:15 ID:oyHvCV/b [Del]

It doesn't matter as long as you draw exodia

8 Name: bigbenny : 2016-06-20 09:52 ID:TIhymuz7 [Del]

as long as someone tells the other how they truly fell about one another then it really does not matter. just confess your true feelings.

9 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2016-06-20 17:00 ID:Naz6w36+ [Del]

>>7 Better off drawing a God card instead. Exodia easy counter af.

10 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-06-20 18:58 ID:+s1fTudx [Del]

I don't care what gender you are, Ruppo. Just tell your crush how you feel and be confident about it. Humans are naturally attracted to confidence.

11 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-06-20 23:10 ID:zPc+10rH [Del]

>>9 Aren't you able to ban a card from being played with Prohibit?

12 Name: Ruppo : 2016-06-21 05:28 ID:B6IYYxL5 [Del]

>>11 how come Yu Gi Oh has any relationship to my OP? does it have an option where you can have relationship with the opposite sex or something?

13 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-06-21 06:19 ID:zPc+10rH [Del]

>>12 You activated my attack card Mirror Force. Now all your monsters in attack position are destroyed!

14 Name: namrooD : 2016-06-21 07:15 ID:TjQG/baL [Del]

>>13 I activate my magic card: pot of greed!

15 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-06-21 07:30 ID:zPc+10rH [Del]

>>14 Use Negate.

16 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-21 07:53 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

Ruppo I'll go ahead and play my email, you can use it if you want to talk about this. xD

17 Name: namrooD : 2016-06-21 08:41 ID:OFhE0u9q [Del]

>>15 i summon exodia

18 Name: pizzamasterpie!LFW7JHl7kk : 2016-06-21 09:51 ID:10o5GKtt [Del]

In my opinion, it is either one. It doesn't matter who made the first move. If you don't make one then you wouldn't know the outcome. Unless you're sure of the result.

19 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-06-21 10:22 ID:zPc+10rH [Del]

>>17 Banned from official tournaments. We play by tournament rules.

20 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-21 11:37 ID:4srD8oUD [Del]

guys stop with the childish games, you've successfully derailed this thread, now take it to random if you're hell bent on continuing this.
dont come to personal with idiocy like this, OP asked for help and very few provided it.

21 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-21 11:55 ID:hpF6fmYw [Del]

Depends on where you live, I guess. In the United States, it is "traditional" for the man to make the first move. That doesn't mean that the female can't; I see it everyday. I've seen a woman propose to a man at a restaurant. We live in a different time now, and hopefully the idea of tradition won't influence your decision. You will never gain anything if you risk nothing to get it.

22 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-23 16:35 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]
