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Let me rant a bit.... (7)

1 Name: Beel : 2016-06-15 15:39 ID:QxYZhJMk [Del]

I'm gonna sound annoying and stupid, I don't want my friends and family to listen...
I am incredibly afraid of having my university offer revoked. I've finished almost half of my exams and I know I've done terribly on them. And it's not like I'm not studying, in fact, I've been doing my best. Some of my friends even say I'm studying too much (which I don't believe since they are the type to procrastinate). I don't understand why my effort is not paying off. At this rate, the decrease in my marks will get me revoked. This is a huge deal since I have nowhere else to go, no back-up plan, as my resulting marks are the only things giving me a future. If I get revoked, I honestly have no future because there is nothing else I can do...
I am incredibly afraid and I don't know what to do. :(

2 Name: Crystalus : 2016-06-15 22:20 ID:8erdqcpV [Del]

Most important thing is not to overdo yourself, trust me. Some things don't go on 1st try, but maybe 2nd or 3rd. Took me 3 years to pass a test and work a lot less and earn a lot more, so... I took the test 6 times and all I did was study.

If you're feeling stressed, I'd suggest something relaxing like... I don't know... playing something, taking a nap or going outside. Don't worry, things always end up well ;)

3 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-15 22:35 ID:JWH13sZt [Del]

The best thing I can tell you is maybe get some help studying from someone you know. If not then the best thing you can do is study your head off. If you think you bombed some of your exams then try and think of reason why you did. If you still have a couple more exams then use those as an opportunity to fix the mistakes your making. You have a shot at it, you can do it.

4 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-15 22:37 ID:JWH13sZt [Del]

Okay after reading >>2 I'd say follow him a bit more on the relaxation aspect, the worst thing you can do is stress yourself out. However I do still recommend trying to fix your mistakes if you know your making them and why.

5 Name: Shift : 2016-06-16 05:02 ID:D4FehXlD [Del]

You can also try a diffrent metod of studying for example record yourself reading something you need to remember and listen to it.

6 Name: Noisulli : 2016-06-16 21:46 ID:zTdNf5Mi [Del]

Definitely don't stress out. You're not done yet and you aren't going to know how you did on the other exams until you get them back. From my experience in high school and in college, things never are as bad as they seem. I've had exams where I completely failed and was sure I was going to get kicked out or lose my scholarship or at the very least, have to retake some classes, only to find out everything work out. And I'd become a complete nervous wreck over these things and it was incredibly unhealthy and frankly, exhausting for me and anyone else I unloaded on. I realized a couple years ago that stressful situations like these are never going to end, even after school, so I taught myself to stop stressing out about everything because I didn't want to end up being that way for the rest of my life.

The best advice I can give you is to take a step back when those situations go to hell and think about what will happen if you succeed or fail. And I mean reeaaaally think about it and not the overdramatic "my life is over" stuff. Because once you realize you have options and plans, all of a sudden it doesn't look so bleak. And this is something your parents or a counselor help you realize too. Right now you may feel like you will have no future if this doesn't work out, that you will essentially hit a brick wall...but even a brick wall can be demolished, with the right tools and determination. I know a lot of people who didn't get things worked out right away, and some of them actually ended up becoming brilliant academic professors, with their PhD and everything. So don't give up, ever, and let us know what is happening (ps, I hope this message makes sense, I'm writing this kind of late) :)

7 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-17 13:18 ID:addbhGSc [Del]

Sorry man, but carry on my wayward son.